
Articles about design

Improve Content Absorption

By Guest Blogger | November 12, 2009

Hey, I’m Elyssa Dolinger, a recent T&S designer hire (Yeah! Helping to even out our designer/programmer ratio.) and I believe strongly in the power of information design. Print design theory can really help in classing up a web page. More importantly, print designers are used to working with a lot of content. A lot of…

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Evaluating a website’s credibility

By Tim Priebe | August 26, 2009

A couple years back, Stanford performed a large study to determine how people evaluate a website’s credibility. Take a look below and see different factors influence your website visitors. (Categories with less than 3% incidence are not in this table.)   Percent(of 2,440 comments) Comment Topics(addressing specific credibility issue) 1. 46.1% Design Look 2. 28.5%…

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Our new website design has launched!

By Tim Priebe | April 4, 2009

Well, in the very, very early hours of this morning, we launched our new website’s design. It had been a traditional “shoemaker’s children” type problem, where our quality of websites and design in generally has continuously improved over the past year, but our site stayed the same because we were busy work on other people’s…

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The Fireworks Advantage

By Guest Blogger | January 22, 2009

Fireworks is often overlooked. Many (most) web designers today use Photoshop to design their websites, and a lot of them have never considered or (*gasp) even heard of Fireworks. Adobe Fireworks is made for creating websites. That is what it was built for, and it does it well. Fireworks enables you to rapidly prototype and…

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Don’t take your own website photos

By Tim Priebe | January 9, 2009

If your business is like many other small businesses, you’re probably on a relatively tight budget, even when creating a website. You’ve signed a contract with a web design company, and they’re wanting your content for the website, including photographs. Money is tight, so you opt to take them yourself. Big mistake. Taking the photographs…

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Standardizing Design

By Guest Blogger | December 10, 2008

Usually, a designer strives to think outside of the box. While this is what we (should) do best, when it comes to the web, sticking to standards will make it easier on the user. Magazines have a table of contents near the front, and page numbers in the corners. Newspapers are divided into sections, headlines…

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The Art of Typography

By Guest Blogger | November 11, 2008

Many designers come up with amazing concepts while brainstorming for a project, and everything appears to be perfect up until the actual design starts. Many times, the artwork doesn’t always emphasize the potential of the original idea. One of the biggest problems is the wrong use of typefaces. Something every designer should understand is the…

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Websites that turn a profit – Saving Money

By Tim Priebe | November 6, 2008

Now that we’ve talked about saving time, let’s talk about saving money. This one is actually pretty easy to see from several standpoints. First, the flexibility of a website can save money over traditional marketing materials. Let’s say you have some marketing material printed up. 5,000 brochures, 5,000 business cards and 5,000 fliers. As is…

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Congrats to Tessa McGee

By Tim Priebe | November 4, 2008

Tessa McGee contacted us several weeks ago about donating something to Oklahoma Christian University‘s auction for Tony’s Alley. We were happy to donate logo design with four logo choices. Today we discovered that Tessa tied for Freshman Seminar Auction Contest For Most Creative Donation. Congrats, Tessa! Tessa is on the right in the picture.

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Websites that turn a profit – Saving Time

By Tim Priebe | October 30, 2008

This week, let’s talk about saving time with a website. After all, time is money, so saving yourself a few minutes here and a few minutes there will end up saving (and making) you money as well. One of the most common ways to save time is to simply answer the most common questions on…

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