This week, let’s talk about saving time with a website. After all, time is money, so saving yourself a few minutes here and a few minutes there will end up saving (and making) you money as well.
One of the most common ways to save time is to simply answer the most common questions on your website. This should be questions that you find yourself answering again and again in the course of an average business day or week.
One of our clients who has done a good job of this is Daisy Exchange, a trendy clothing exchange store in the Oklahoma City area. On their website, they tell how the buying and reselling process works, different brands and items they buy, and even mention job opportunities.
Another way to save time is to put videos online. Before their website was online, midwestmedia and marketing had to go to a bit of trouble to show potential clients samples of their videography. They either had to show them in person or burn a DVD and mail it to them. Now, all they have to do is direct potential clients to their website to see how great their video skills are.
A third way to save time is to move processes to the website. Tinker and the Primes is a yearly event that helps connect small businesses with government contracts and sub-contracts. Registration for the thousands of attendees used to be a time-consuming, unwieldy process for the staff. Now, with online registration, the process is much simpler. The registrants sign up on the website and receive automatic emails with reminders. The staff just has to log into the website to get up-to-date numbers and view spreadsheets and reports.
These few examples should provide some insight into the different ways websites can save your business time, therefore making your website actually turn a profit. Next week we’ll be looking at how your website can save you money.