
Dive into our insights, expertise, and company culture. We've been blogging since 2008, so enjoy our articles.

Email marketing 101

By Tim Priebe | September 1, 2021

We’re big fans of all sorts of digital marketing platforms. We’ve been building websites since 2003 and also love social media. But none of those have the potential to be nearly as effective as email marketing, when done right. If you’re just starting out with email marketing, it can feel a bit overwhelming. I’m going to share an overview of email marketing.

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How to optimize blog posts for SEO

By Jackie Bell | August 25, 2021

If you have a website, chances are you’d like it to show up in Google. Setting up your website the right way for search engines—also known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO—can take many forms. In our experience, the most powerful SEO tactic is blogging regularly as long as you optimize those blog articles for SEO.

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Lessons from the homepage of the top five websites

By Chloé Gee | August 18, 2021

The web is amazing. And scary. And crazy. But I can’t imagine life without it. In fact, without giving away my exact age, the web is (barely) older than I am. So I’ve literally never lived in a world without the web. And I wouldn’t want to!

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Can you use Mailchimp for free?

By Leann Priebe | August 11, 2021

We’re big Mailchimp fans. While there are certainly more powerful, robust email marketing and marketing automation tools, Mailchimp tends to keep things simple and easy to use. We’ve used them for years. While we help clients with other platforms as well, it’s our email marketing platform of choice in most cases.

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Three benefits of using Instagram for business

By Jackie Bell | August 4, 2021

I love Instagram. Who doesn’t? It’s an excellent platform for promoting your business or nonprofit, and it’s definitely in growth mode. Of course, you’re probably wondering what the benefits of using Instagram for your business actually are. Well, it’s different depending on your business, your goals, and even your industry. If you want to, you can make use of Instagram regardless of your specific goals. But here are some benefits for particular cases.

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5 nonprofit clients we love working with

By Leann Priebe | July 28, 2021

It’s been over a decade since we started putting a concerted effort into working with nonprofit organizations. Nonprofits hold a special place in our hearts! And while we love every nonprofit we work with, I’ve picked five whose mission is significant to me personally.

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How do I fix a slow website?

By Tim Priebe | July 14, 2021

Your website’s speed is important for two main reasons. First, people will leave if they think it’s too slow. Second, Google will penalize your website in the search engine results if they think it’s too slow.

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Facebook Pages vs. profiles vs. groups

By Tim Priebe | July 7, 2021

Businesses and nonprofits alike can make use of Facebook for digital marketing purposes, whether it’s to increase brand awareness—that’s letting people know you exist—demonstrating expertise and helpfulness, or generating leads.

However, often I’m asked whether an individual or organization should be using a Page, profile, or group.

The short answer? It depends.

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How do you promote a nonprofit?

By Chloé Gee | June 30, 2021

When it comes to marketing your nonprofit organization, you have tons of options. Keep in mind that some tactics may work for other organizations but not work as well for your nonprofit. Fortunately, I’ve created a list of must-dos and tactics that we typically use and have been proven to be successful!

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How to recover your LinkedIn account

By Tim Priebe | June 23, 2021

I’ve seen it many times over the years. You lost access to your LinkedIn account. Maybe you forgot your password, you lost access to your previous email address that’s connected to the account, or maybe you deleted your account and want it back. Don’t panic! There are ways to recover access to your LinkedIn account.

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