
Articles written by Tim Priebe

50 facts about the Backslash team

By Tim Priebe | April 3, 2024

At Backslash Creative, we’re not just about pixels and print; we’re a blend of personalities as vibrant and varied as the designs we create. In fact, balance, teamwork, and relationships are three of our six core values. Each of our team members has their own quirky characteristics, personal passions, and even idiosyncratic interests.

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ChatGPT prompts for social media

By Tim Priebe | March 27, 2024

Combining AI with social media’s power can improve your marketing if done right. It’s like unlocking a secret level in a game where the rewards are more engagement, deeper connections, and, ultimately, a stronger business presence online. But what prompts should you use?

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How does the LinkedIn algorithm work in 2024?

By Tim Priebe | March 6, 2024

LinkedIn has become a great platform for B2B companies and those targeting the more affluent, white-collar demographic. It’s more than just a platform; it’s a critical tool for amplifying your professional narrative, whether for personal branding or elevating your company’s profile.

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What is the most credible domain name?

By Tim Priebe | February 21, 2024

Domain names make websites much easier to access, like looking up someone’s name on your phone instead of having to dial their phone number each time. But the domain you pick makes a difference!

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Blogging for SEO with AI

By Tim Priebe | February 7, 2024

AI has left the world of shows I love (like Star Trek) and entered the mainstream. It’s transforming the way we approach digital marketing, and SEO is no exception. However, the key…

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Examples of using HubSpot for marketing

By Tim Priebe | January 17, 2024

HubSpot is like a Swiss Army knife for digital marketing. It’s versatile and powerful and can be great for pulling together multiple marketing platforms and even aligning sales and marketing in your organization. Let’s look at five real-life examples of ways our clients have used HubSpot for marketing.

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Personal profile vs. business page on LinkedIn

By Tim Priebe | January 10, 2024

When leveraging LinkedIn, knowing the differences between a personal profile and a business page—aka Company Page—can make the difference between using LinkedIn effectively and wasting time, money, and resources.

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Where can I find LinkedIn backgrounds?

By Tim Priebe | December 27, 2023

Creating a professional and engaging LinkedIn profile is essential in today’s digital world. An impactful part of your profile is the background image, which sets the tone and reflects your professional persona. In fact, in nearly every LinkedIn profile consultation I do, the background image is one of the first things we customize!

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7 ways to market strategically in 2024

By Tim Priebe | December 6, 2023

As 2024 approaches, the digital marketing landscape isn’t just changing; it’s evolving at warp speed. And here at the tail end of 2023, it’s our chance to grab the reins and steer our marketing strategies towards uncharted territories, armed with the latest tech and insights.

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How AI can help with SEO

By Tim Priebe | November 29, 2023

SEO, the art and science of getting your content to the top of search engine results pages, is a landscape that’s constantly changing, with search engines refining their algorithms and user behavior evolving.

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