
Articles about websites

Is WordPress SEO friendly?

By Tim Priebe | November 27, 2019

I’ve used WordPress since 2009, and I’ve helped tons of people with SEO during that time. And every once in a while, I hear one of two things: “I hear WordPress is great for SEO.” or “I’ve heard WordPress is terrible for SEO!” So which one is true? As with most things in life, it just depends.

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You may not need a website

By Tim Priebe | September 11, 2019

Believe it or not, you may not need a website! I know, that sounds like sacrilege coming from someone who has been helping clients with their websites since 2003. Before you pull out the pitchforks and torches, let me explain.

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How to find blog topics

By Cole Battles | August 28, 2019

Blogging is great for SEO and to demonstrate your expertise to potential new clients. But it can often be a challenge to come up with new and interesting topics to write about. Maybe you came up with a list of topics when you started blogging, but you’re almost done with the list. Or maybe you’re just starting out and you don’t even have a list yet. It’s time for some brainstorming! But the process of coming up with new topics can feel like an uphill struggle. Here are six different ways to find blog topics when the going gets tough.

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How to get your website back

By Tim Priebe | August 14, 2019

Maybe your web developer disappeared. Maybe your webmaster is holding your website hostage. Maybe you’re fed up and ready to fire your web designer. Maybe an employee that registered everything has lost all the usernames passwords. You’ve lost control of your website!

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How to maintain a WordPress website

By Tim Priebe | July 10, 2019

We’ve been creating WordPress websites since 1909. Wait, I’m pretty sure my notes are wrong and we actually started in 2009. That seems a lot more likely. We’ve launched hundreds of websites. Some of our clients now manage their own websites, while others have us manage their websites for them. And while we’ve always offered hands on training with our clients and had training videos available as well, we’ve never put together a guide on managing your own WordPress website.

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How to prevent link rot

By Tim Priebe | June 26, 2019

Link rot. Sounds gross, right? Really, it’s just another name for a broken link. But it’s something you need to be aware of if you’re managing a website on an ongoing basis.

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How to tell if your website is frustrating to use

By Cole Battles | May 22, 2019

Have you ever visited a website and couldn’t find what you were looking for? Maybe you just needed a phone number or address, but you couldn’t even locate the contact page. Whatever the issue was, the website you visited had low-usability. How annoying!

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Creating an effective home page

By Tim Priebe | April 10, 2019

Sure, sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest can be a lot of fun. But are you neglecting your own website? What about your home page? Whether you like it or not, many people will judge the professionalism of your organization based on the professionalism of your website! While Google and blogging for SEO mean that people may find your website through a number of ways, for many small and medium businesses, the home page continues to be one of the most visited pages on their site!

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Our best articles on digital marketing from 2018

By Leann Priebe | January 23, 2019

Happy new year, everyone! Well, technically we’re almost a month into 2019 now. But it’s not too late to reflect on 2018 to know what to work on in 2019.

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Do you need a website if you have a Facebook Page?

By Chloé Gee | December 26, 2018

We all have times when we’re on a tight budget. And let’s face it, most people are going to visit Facebook way more often than they’ll visit your website. After all, Facebook has 2.2 billion monthly active users.

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