
Articles about social media

Google Plus Pages just became more powerful!

By Tim Priebe | July 23, 2012

Okay, I admit it. I ripped off my headline from an article I wrote last month on LinkedIn Pages being added to HootSuite. Rightfully so, because the same thing has now happened with Google Plus. That’s right, Google Plus just became a much more powerful tool, because you can now pre-schedule your updates in HootSuite along with other social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Follow us on LinkedIn, win a book or two

By Tim Priebe | July 2, 2012

LinkedIn can be a huge asset, especially for businesses in the B2B arena. And with HootSuite recently rolling out the ability to update your LinkedIn Company Page automatically with the rest of your social media, we’re sure to see an increase in LinkedIn usage by companies. If you’ve ever said to yourself, “Self, I should…

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LinkedIn Company Pages just became more powerful!

By Tim Priebe | June 28, 2012

If you haven’t heard, HootSuite now supports LinkedIn Company Pages. If you have a HootSuite account, and haven’t been using LinkedIn as much as you would like, now is the time to add it to your normal, scheduled updates. And we’ve got two how-to guides to get you going.

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The Pre-Kindergarten Guide to Social Media Engagement

By Tim Priebe | June 1, 2012

My five-year-old son recently suggested an update to my Facebook that produced more engagement than an average small business sees on their page. Let’s take a look at the components of that update and see how it can apply to you.

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27 Fantastic Facebook Cover Photos

By Tim Priebe | March 9, 2012

Are you in need of inspiration for your Facebook page’s Cover Photo? Some of the big brand names (and many smaller companies, too) have already switched their pages over to the new Timeline look, even though the March 30th deadline is still a few weeks away. Holly and I recently sat down and combed through…

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Don’t make these 4 Facebook Timeline Page mistakes

By Tim Priebe | March 1, 2012

On February 29th, Facebook rolled out Timeline for Pages. And boy, are there a lot of changes. And you only have until March 30th to figure them all out, because that’s when they’re forcing everyone to switch over. How can everyone get it all right? You don’t have to learn it all, you just have…

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Do you need to be on Google+?

By Tim Priebe | February 24, 2012

If you’re a small business and are at all aware of the social media world, you’ve probably heard of Google Plus. The latest big-name newcomer to social media, Google’s social network is growing quickly. Since its traffic is not yet even close to Facebook’s, many small business owners are asking the question: “Do I really need to be on Google Plus?”

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The New Twitter

By Guest Blogger | October 8, 2010

Twitter is in the process of rolling out its new design. Everyday I see people rejoicing or lamenting the new design. But what are some of the new design perks? I present a smattering of the new Twitter features. I doubt that I’ve found every gem, but this should give you an idea as to…

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Let others tag your Facebook page photos

By Tim Priebe | September 13, 2010

It turns out that the default setting is that others cannot tag pictures you post on your business’s Page. They can for your personal profile, but not on your Page. Luckily, a Facebook user figured out the following method, and we were able to use it on our Pages here at T&S. Works way better…

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Social Media book for absolute beginners

By Tim Priebe | July 26, 2010

From time to time, people ask me where to find a good absolute beginner’s guide to social media and social networking. As you might be able to imagine, those aren’t books I read, so it’s somewhat difficult for me to find one I can really recommend. Recently Jerry Pournelle, a famous sci-fi author, wrote a…

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