
Articles about social media

Your social media strategy

By Tim Priebe | July 29, 2014

You’re probably not guilty of this, but many people hop on social media simply because they think they’re supposed to. But if you don’t have a social media strategy, you’ll be wasting time, money, and resources. So how do you determine that strategy?

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6 social media sites you should know

By Tim Priebe | July 15, 2014

If you market your organization online, you need to be aware of the basics about the six social media sites that are currently the most popular and usable by businesses. Are you familiar with all of them? If so, should you be using them, or would you just be wasting time and resources?

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Are you willing to give your audience your time?

By Guest Blogger | July 8, 2014

One of the great benefits of technology is that it often makes existing tasks easier to accomplish. That’s also one of the downsides of technology. When it comes to something like social media, it’s incredibly easy to put your online marketing on full auto-pilot. But for businesses to get the full benefit of their online marketing, they have to be willing to invest a little time in parallel to all the automation.

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OOMPHcast #7: Gary England – The Gary England guide to social media

By Tim Priebe | June 18, 2014

Gary England, vice president of News 9 in Oklahoma City was my guest for this episode. Gary shared his experience representing himself on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. He shared his following strategy on Twitter, his technique when people make him mad online, and how and why he shares information about his personal life online.

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LinkedIn Background Images

By Tim Priebe | June 17, 2014

Social media in general has been moving more and more toward the visual end of the spectrum. All the major players have been putting emphasis on photos and images, with LinkedIn being no exception.

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LinkedIn Premium Account Changes

By Tim Priebe | June 10, 2014

If there’s anything constant in the world of social media, it’s change. Although LinkedIn tends to be more stable than some other platforms, it goes through its share of changes as well. June 4, 2014, LinkedIn made several significant changes for premium members, including a new, less expensive plan.

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10 social media update ideas

By Tim Priebe | May 20, 2014

If you’re like many others, the challenge in posting on a regular basis is that when it comes time to sit down and write your social media, you can’t think of what to share. It’s not what you couldn’t share something helpful to your target market, you just get writer’s block when it’s time to actually do it. To help, let’s look at 10 social media update ideas from my book, 102 Tweets.

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Linking social networks together

By Tim Priebe | May 6, 2014

From time to time, someone will ask me about linking social media websites together to make it less work when they update them. For example, if they update Facebook, they might want to automatically update Twitter with the same information.

I’ve found it quickly gets confusing when someone has LinkedIn connected to Twitter connected to Facebook, or some variation of that idea. To make matters worse, that kind of setup tends to break a lot and causes quite a bit of frustration.

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A walkthrough of Twitter’s latest re-design

By Holly Kosec | April 29, 2014

As you may have found out if you’ve visited your Twitter account in the past few days, Twitter has rolled out the option to use their new and improved profile design. Although there are a variety of new features included with this new profile design, I’m going to be focusing on the design changes.

The new design definitely takes some tips from Facebook, Google+, and YouTube, who all have large header photo areas for your branding.

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OOMPHcast #3: Mike Crandall – How to use LinkedIn proactively

By Tim Priebe | April 23, 2014

My guest for this episode was Mike Crandall, with Sandler Training here in Oklahoma. I’m actually a client of Mike’s, and he’s a client of my company, T&S Web Design, as well. Mike talks about how marketing and sales should play nice together. He also shares some tips for proactively using LinkedIn, and the benefit of blocking out time for social media.

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