If you’re like many others, the challenge in posting on a regular basis is that when it comes time to sit down and write your social media, you can’t think of what to share. It’s not what you couldn’t share something helpful to your target market, you just get writer’s block when it’s time to actually do it.
Of course, sharing consistently is one of the keys to building up trust. And people do business with those they know, like, trust, and value.
Recently T&S published a book of mine, 102 Tweets, with 102 ideas for social media updates. To help you get unstuck when writing your organization’s social media, I thought I would share the first 10 tweet ideas.
Even though I’ve called them tweets, and the book is 102 Tweets, really these apply to any social media platform with the ability to share short, text-based updates.
Tweet #1: First Tweet
Just put something out there when you first sign up for a social media platform, before you start connecting with people.
Tweet #2: Prediction
Comment on something you think will happen in the future. It can be in your industry, your community, or something else entirely.
Tweet #3: Jokes
Show some personality! It’s called SOCIAL media for a reason. Post a tasteful joke.
Tweet #4: Shocking
Share something that may shock your audience, but you know it’s true. If you link to an article or website, people will be much more likely to click on the link.
Tweet #5: Facts
Share something that may be common knowledge within your industry, but your target market may or may not know about it.
Tweet #6: Studies
Even better than sharing a short fact is linking to a longer studies. Not everyone is wired to like that sort of thing, but those that are will appreciate you sharing it.
Tweet #7: Short Lists
It can take some work to get a short list down to 140 characters or less, but people love to read them.
Tweet #8: How To
Link to a helpful article that shows your audience how to accomplish something on their own. And if they decide they’d rather pay someone to do it, they may think of you.
Tweet #9: Entertaining
Again, show some personality by sharing something entertaining. It makes you more personable, and sound less like a corporate drone.
Tweet #10: Inspirational Quotes
Short, inspiring quotes can make a great, quick update. And you can link to the original person’s website or Wikipedia page, if they have one of those.
Want More?
These are the first ten tweet ideas from the book. The official website, 102tweets.com, has an excerpt from the book that includes these ten tweet ideas, but with examples as well.
While there, you can:
- Download a free sample
- Order the print edition for $10.00
- Order the Kindle edition for $2.99
Remember, consistency is the key to building trust while marketing your business or nonprofit online!