
Articles about seo

SEO with YouTube transcriptions

By Holly Kosec | November 17, 2015

If you’ve ever clicked the “CC” icon at the bottom of a YouTube video window, you know that YouTube automatically generates subtitles for closed captioning. But did you know that you can optimize them for search?

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30 must-read online marketing blogs

By Holly Kosec | May 5, 2015

One of the best ways to keep up-to-date on all of the latest news in the marketing world is to keep tabs on some of the most active, applicable, and cutting-edge marketing blogs on the web.

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How to avoid spammy SEO

By Guest Blogger | April 28, 2015

Since the dawn of Search Engine Optimization, people have been searching for new ways to optimize and rank for as many keywords as possible. Unfortunately, that can lead to a couple major problems.

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Google mobile SEO changes in 2015

By Tim Priebe | March 31, 2015

Some people don’t care about how they show up in search engines, while others do. And to some businesses, mobile presence isn’t a huge deal, while to others it’s everything. Plenty of people care about both mobile and SEO.

If you care about both, and you don’t know what Google has planned for April 2015, you may be in trouble!

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OOMPHcast #19: Matthew Barnett – Search engine rankings

By Tim Priebe | December 3, 2014

For episode 19 of the podcast, my guest was Matthew Barnett, SEO Strategist with VI Marketing and Branding. Although he lives in Kansas City, Missouri, he works with a lot of companies in Oklahoma City because his company is based out of OKC.

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4 tips for your web video strategy

By Tim Priebe | September 2, 2014

YouTube has been the second most popular search engine since 2008, beating out all other search engines except Google. And Google actually owns YouTube, and incorporates videos into its main search results. Also, almost all adult Internet users have watched videos online.

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10 signs you need a new website

By Holly Kosec | August 26, 2014

So you have a website for your organization, and you like it pretty well. You’re online, and it seems to get the job done. But how do you know whether or not your website could benefit from a facelift? Is it worth the time, effort, and investment to travel down that road?

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You’re Blogging, Now What?

By Tim Priebe | September 10, 2013

You had been meaning to blog for months, maybe even years. Now you’ve finally started, and you’re even sticking to a schedule. Hooray! Now that you’re actually writing blog entries on a regular basis, what do you do with them?

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How To Use Google Plus for Search Engine Rankings

By Tim Priebe | August 27, 2013

The key to establishing Search Engine Domination is, in part, having a regular presence across the more popular social networking websites. But Google+ is a special case. Whether or not your target market doesn’t have a huge presence on Google+ doesn’t matter. If your rankings in search engine results is important to you, then you need to be on Google+. There are three facts that you need to know to understand why Google+ is important, then we’ll get into the how.

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The Secret to Search Engine Domination

By Tim Priebe | August 20, 2013

For years, when clients have asked me to help them improve their search engine rankings, I have told them there are no guarantees. And while strictly speaking, that’s true, there’s a method we’ve been recommending to clients on for the last few years that has consistently made them appear more often in search engines, with better rankings than they had before. So what’s the secret?

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