
Dive into our insights, expertise, and company culture. We've been blogging since 2008, so enjoy our articles.

Why Oranges?

By Tim Priebe | November 8, 2010

We have oranges on almost all our marketing materials. We have them on our website, fliers, business cards, etc. (Actually, everyone picks their fruit for their business cards, but I get to use oranges.) We even refer to T&S staff as Orangites. We get a lot of clients asking us about them, though. Why oranges?…

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We want you to work at T&S: 283-6459

By Tim Priebe | November 2, 2010

Alert! Alert! T&S is looking for someone to be a fantastic administrative assistant who may also have an interest in marketing. The position is 20-40 hours a week. That person should be awesome in the following areas: We’ll also accept people who would like to become awesome in those areas. (Laughing at Adam’s jokes takes…

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Email Etiquette Part 3: Dealing with those Cc’s and Bcc’s

By Guest Blogger | October 19, 2010

We send and receive emails all day, but does everyone really know about some of the extra options for sending out emails? Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple years, I would hope that it’s safe to assume that you understand what should go in the “To:” and “Subject:” fields, so…

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The New Twitter

By Guest Blogger | October 8, 2010

Twitter is in the process of rolling out its new design. Everyday I see people rejoicing or lamenting the new design. But what are some of the new design perks? I present a smattering of the new Twitter features. I doubt that I’ve found every gem, but this should give you an idea as to…

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The secret to guaranteeing yourself a job at T&S

By Tim Priebe | October 1, 2010

What do you need to know to get a killer job at T&S Web Design? Read on to find out. We recently decided to take a new policy towards filling positions here at T&S: We’re not doing it any more. Other than internships we have in the summer and during the school year, we’re no…

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Why mobile sites are good for you and your business

By Guest Blogger | September 27, 2010

Hi! This is Chris, one of the interns here at T&S Web Design. After working at T&S for about five months, they have finally let me speak publicly. Well, on the blog, anyway! A couple of weeks ago Adam talked about the key differences between a regular website and a mobile site in his post…

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Die Mother Printer, Die.

By Guest Blogger | September 24, 2010

After being a faithful printer for several years, our HP all-in-one slowly failed us until a power outage finally took its life. By that time, we all resented it anyway, so we made a little video to show our disdain. Many should recognize the reference to the Office Space printer scene, but we had Erick…

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Let others tag your Facebook page photos

By Tim Priebe | September 13, 2010

It turns out that the default setting is that others cannot tag pictures you post on your business’s Page. They can for your personal profile, but not on your Page. Luckily, a Facebook user figured out the following method, and we were able to use it on our Pages here at T&S. Works way better…

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5 Reasons why Fireworks kicks Photoshop’s Web Designing Butt

By Guest Blogger | September 3, 2010

When it comes to designing webpages I prefer working in Fireworks. I know, I know. There seems to exist a real prejudice against Fireworks. Sort of like you’re not a real designer if you use it. I challenge any web designer to give Fireworks the old college try. Making the switch to Fireworks was the…

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You, too, could be a T&S intern: 241-1051

By Tim Priebe | August 26, 2010

It’s back-to-school time again! For T&S, that means it’s time to look for a new batch of interns to pay measly salaries in exchange for back-breaking web design work. This year, we’re looking for additional programming and design interns to work up to 20 hours a week per intern. We don’t really care about experience…

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