We want you to work at T&S: 283-6459

By Tim Priebe on November 2, 2010

By Tim Priebe on November 2, 2010

Alert! Alert! T&S is looking for someone to be a fantastic administrative assistant who may also have an interest in marketing. The position is 20-40 hours a week. That person should be awesome in the following areas:

  • Talking on the phone
  • Email
  • Typing and doing paperwork
  • Social networking
  • Mailing stuff
  • Making Tim frappuccinos
  • Shooting interns with rubber bands
  • Laughing at Adam’s jokes, even when they’re not funny

We’ll also accept people who would like to become awesome in those areas. (Laughing at Adam’s jokes takes practice.)

Interested? Leave a message at 405-283-6459, including your name, email address (spell it out), phone number, and why you’d be a great fit for T&S.

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