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Synchronizing your times

By Leann Priebe | August 23, 2016

If you schedule things across more than one platform, it’s important to make sure that your time zones are accurate.
They need to all be the same across the board, and you need to make sure the time zone reflects where you are.
It sounds elementary, but it’s important to check! If you have a blog post scheduled to publish at 10 AM, and a social media update linking to that blog goes out at 8 AM that day, that link won’t work for two hours. Which could be pretty awkward.

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The real investment for a website

By Tim Priebe | August 16, 2016

There are two main investments for a website: an upfront investment and an ongoing investment. It’s a little like buying a car—sure, there’s the price of the car, but there’s also an investment for gas, insurance, and repairs down the road.
I recently spoke with someone who wanted to purchase a website. She was comparing her options, and it turned out I was the provider she trusted the most out of the people she talked to.

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Does your website annoy people?

By Holly Kosec | August 9, 2016

No business builds a website designed to annoy visitors. You’d be surprised at how often that’s what ends up happening, though.
Or maybe you’re not surprised—because you can think of a couple examples of frustrating websites right off the top of your head.

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How to use Hootsuite’s new Analytics features

By Lauren Rogers | August 2, 2016

It’s no secret: here at T&S, we think Hootsuite is an awesome tool for scheduling social media ahead of time. But there’s a lot more you can do with it than that! You can check past social media updates, use Streams to compare several social media feeds at once, and even find new followers in the Contacts page.

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Being overly promotional can backfire

By Tim Priebe | July 26, 2016

Sometimes you’ll see them on social media—people who just can’t stop talking about their business or product. They’re always pushing their business, products, or services.
It happens a lot. You can probably even think of some time pretty recently that you’ve seen it happen on social media!

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Facebook’s new Pages layout

By Tim Priebe | July 22, 2016

It isn’t out for everyone yet (somewhat ironically, it hasn’t rolled out to my account as of this writing), but Facebook is in the process of rolling out a new layout for Pages for businesses, nonprofits, and anyone that has one set up. Let’s take a look at the differences, then see what the T&S staff thinks.

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What’s your plan?

By Holly Kosec | July 19, 2016

Have you ever been frustrated because you know that social media could be helpful for your organization, but so far it hasn’t been as helpful as you’d like? Maybe you’ve started using it and it feels like a big waste of time. Or maybe you haven’t done anything at all, because you’re too overwhelmed.
Most people tend to fall into one of three groups when it comes to social media.

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Don’t miss out on a wider audience

By Leann Priebe | July 12, 2016

When people think of online marketing, having a website is usually what they think of as the bare minimum—the one thing they have to have.
But in some cases, having an email newsletter is as beneficial as having a website. It might even be a better choice for some organizations.
So what makes an email newsletter so powerful? There are four distinct benefits that an email newsletter has over other online marketing platforms.

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Can social media improve your bottom line?

By Tim Priebe | July 5, 2016

I had a conversation recently with a business owner who was skeptical about what social media could add to his bottom line. We’d been discussing his website, but when the topic of social media came up, he suddenly lost interest.

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What is local SEO?

By Lauren Rogers | June 28, 2016

Have you ever searched for “coffee Edmond” instead of just “coffee” on your phone or computer? Then you’ve made use of local SEO! MOZ estimates that there are seven billion unique local Google searches each month in the United States, which includes more than half of all Google searches on mobile phones. Sure, local SEO is helpful when you want to buy something, but it’s also helpful if you want to reach consumers with your own organization’s website.

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