
Dive into our insights, expertise, and company culture. We've been blogging since 2008, so enjoy our articles.

The right image size for social media

By Holly Kosec | October 25, 2016

Okay, I know I’m biased as a graphic designer, but sharing images on social media is a really important part of a social media plan. And there’s plenty of objective proof!

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Grow your Twitter audience with #FollowFriday

By Lauren Rogers | October 19, 2016

You’ve spent time cultivating meaningful relationships within your networks. And as long as you aren’t rude or spammy about it, it makes sense to ask for their help in building up your audience online. Here’s one specific way…

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Yes, actually be yourself online!

By Leann Priebe | October 18, 2016

A lot of the things you do online can be automated, and it can save you a lot of time. It can even save you some embarrassment—did you know you can tweak your Gmail settings so you can have time to undo a sent message if you realize you’ve sent it to the wrong person?

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3 steps to build your email list from the ground up

By Tim Priebe | October 11, 2016

If you’re starting an email newsletter, go ahead and pat yourself on the back! That can be one of the best ways to reach people who are likely to do business with you in the future.

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Sharing company culture through Instagram

By Lauren Rogers | October 4, 2016

We often tell people that they probably don’t need to be on every social media platform possible, and we do practice what we preach! Up until recently, we hadn’t been using Instagram as an organization. It just didn’t seem to be one of the platforms where we’d get the most bang for our buck.

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Getting started with online video

By Leann Priebe | September 27, 2016

Video marketing is becoming a more common part of many organization’s online marketing plans. You may be seeing more videos on your Facebook page, and both Twitter and Instagram also offer video capability. And of course there’s my favorite, good ol’ trusty YouTube.

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3 ideas for smarter newsletters

By Lauren Rogers | September 20, 2016

If you’re just starting out with email newsletters, it can be a challenge to know whether or not you’re doing things the right way.
If you’re not already using these three ideas as part of your email newsletter marketing, I definitely recommend you try them out. They can make your newsletter (and you) look even smarter!

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Can’t see changes to your website?

By Holly Kosec | September 13, 2016

Have you ever made changes to your website and notified your coworkers, only to find that they couldn’t see your changes? You could see them on your computer, but when your coworker pulled up your organization’s website, your changes weren’t there!

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Is an email segment or an email list the right choice?

By Tim Priebe | September 6, 2016

We’re big MailChimp fans at T&S, so we tend to use the same language they use. As they define it in the MailChimp glossary, a list is “a collection of subscribers who have opted-in to receive correspondence from you or your organization.”
A segment, however is a subset of that list. MailChimp defines it as, “a section of your list that includes only those subscribers who share common field information.”

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A content curation system for adding value

By Lauren Rogers | August 30, 2016

When people think about posting content consistently online, there’s two extremes: either they don’t think they have enough to say, or they see it as an opportunity to share all the great things about their business, all the time.

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