Video marketing is becoming a more common part of many organizations’ online marketing plans. You may be seeing more videos on your Facebook page, and both Twitter and Instagram also offer video capability. And of course there’s my favorite, good ol’ trusty YouTube.
There are plenty of articles you can read online that will tell you you’re a dinosaur if you don’t use video, or that you’re automatically missing customers without it. That may or may not be the case, but doom-and-gloom, one-size-fits-all online marketing isn’t really our thing.
However, if you think that video might be helpful for your business, here are a few basics you can think about before you dive in.
Don’t drag it out
Each online platform that supports video has different maximum and ideal video lengths. For example, a 30-second video makes more sense for Facebook than one that lasts for ten minutes.
The length will depend on what you need to cover, but most people have pretty short attention spans. If you can easily split a complex topic up into two videos, do it!
See and be seen
Don’t hide your videos! Share them wherever it makes sense, and don’t be afraid to share past videos again. If you’re keeping your videos together on a YouTube channel (which I recommend), share your channel on social media too.
Don’t overwhelm people, but also don’t assume they’ll magically find your videos if you don’t share them.
Call them to action!
Use the call-to-action on your videos to make connections. Whether you use a verbal call-to-action or pair it with links to your site or YouTube channel, make it easy for viewers to find other ways to connect with you.
Good marketing practices
And last, but definitely not least—good online marketing practices still apply with online video. Be consistent with your videos. You can strive for consistency in how often you share them, the format you use, their length, and their topics. That will help you create new ones and help your viewers know to expect great things from your videos.
Engagement matters here, too. When people comment on your videos, join the conversation. Feel free to use Facebook Live to ask questions of your audience, or answer ones they’ve sent your way.
Video marketing can be intimidating, but it can also open up new ways to interact with people who are interested in what you do. A bit of planning can make your videos one more way for people to know, like, trust, and value your organization.