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Six emails to include in a drip campaign

By Tim Priebe | October 25, 2017

In email marketing, a drip campaign is a series of emails that you send at set intervals over a period of time. They’re sometimes also called automated campaigns or lifecycle emails.

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What type of online video matches your goals?

By Tuan Pham | October 18, 2017

Want to get started with online video? Great! But what type of video should you use? There are two big categories of videos: one-off video and video series. Which type you use depends on several factors, including your goal for using video and your budget.

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The diminishing role of keywords in SEO

By Tim Priebe | October 11, 2017

In the olden days of search engine optimization (or SEO), it was all about keyword meta tags and description meta tags. (And yes, I’ve been around long enough to remember the olden days of SEO.) Meta tags played a huge role in your website’s SEO rankings, but their role has diminished so much that they no longer really impact your ranking at all.

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How social platforms display video in 2017

By Tuan Pham | October 4, 2017

If you’re investing time and money into online video, you want to be sure that video displays the way you expect on all social platforms. To make the most of your video on social media, here’s a quick overview of how each social platform treats video, at least at the time this blog was posted.

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How does your business card stack up?

By Holly Kosec | September 27, 2017

A few years ago, we did an analysis of business cards we had received at networking events. We looked at color, paper, size, orientation, information, and overall appearance. Since it’s been a few years, we decided to do a similar experiment on a new stack of cards.

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Why online video is the future of content marketing

By Tuan Pham | September 20, 2017

The fact that video is the future of content marketing is pretty undeniable at this point. In fact, experts were saying it was the future of content marketing a couple years ago—and the data continues to prove it.

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Should you worry about your WordPress website’s speed?

By Tim Priebe | September 13, 2017

The short answer is, yes, you should worry about website speed. Who cares, you might ask? People and Google. But if you want the long answer with some tips to go along with it, keep on reading.

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Watch out for these red flags with SEO services

By Tim Priebe | September 6, 2017

SEO is a popular topic these days, as it should be. Search engine rankings are important for businesses, and you should be actively working to improve your ranking over time.

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When should you use email marketing automation?

By Tim Priebe | August 30, 2017

A lot of emails sent to a subscription list have content that changes each time, like what we call a blog delivery system or BDS newsletter. These emails are a simple way to get your new blog entry in front of people and help drive traffic to your website.

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What exactly is social video marketing?

By Tuan Pham | August 23, 2017

You’re probably familiar with social media—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so forth. And you’re probably familiar with the concept of video marketing—using video to talk about your products, services, or other information for the viewer.

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