
Articles written by Tim Priebe

10 ways to integrate social media into your website

By Tim Priebe | November 4, 2020

While your website is a great way to inform your target audience about your organization, social media is a great way to interact with them. So integrating your social media into your website just makes sense! It provides an easy way for people to know that you are staying up to date with social platforms and lets them easily engage and interact with you and your organization.

But what does integrating social media into your website really mean? Here are ten different ways to do just that.

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How to use LinkedIn for marketing

By Tim Priebe | October 21, 2020

If LinkedIn is a good fit for your organization’s goals, it can be a great marketing tool. I often talk to people at businesses and nonprofits who think they should be spending more time on LinkedIn, but don’t know that to do. Here are 40 things you can do to use LinkedIn for marketing.

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5 SEO tools for a beginner

By Tim Priebe | September 23, 2020

Search Engine Optimization—aka SEO—is all about how and where you show up in search engines, primarily Google. While some organizations can afford to invest in professional SEO help, others can’t. Fortunately, some tools can help you even if you’re a beginner. Here are five tools that I would recommend you use if you’re doing your own SEO.

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Can a business join LinkedIn?

By Tim Priebe | September 9, 2020

If you’ve used LinkedIn for any time, chances are pretty good that you’re familiar with your LinkedIn profile. People who sign up for a LinkedIn account get a profile that shows their profile photo, background photo, summary, work history, and more. But that’s really set up for individuals, not businesses. Can a company or nonprofit join LinkedIn?

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How SEO has changed

By Tim Priebe | August 5, 2020

Believe it or not, the term SEO—Search Engine Optimization—most likely predates Google by about a year. The term can be traced back to 1997, while Google was founded in late 1998. It should be no surprise that SEO tactics have changed drastically during the 20+ years since then.

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Determining your online marketing budget

By Tim Priebe | July 29, 2020

There’s an old saying in business that says “What gets measured gets managed.” Are you running your organization’s marketing that way?

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Importance of good SEO

By Tim Priebe | July 22, 2020

SEO, or search engine optimization, has been a hot buzzword for years now. But is it really important? Is it something you should invest any resources in?

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How to make picture quotes on Instagram

By Tim Priebe | July 15, 2020

You’ve probably seen those good looking pictures with text over them on Instagram, or another social media platform. Something with an inspirational quote, promotional message, or even something funny over the top of a good looking photo can help you connect with your audience. But maybe, like me, you’ve thought, “I’m not a graphic designer. How can I make something like that?” I have great news! There is an easy-to-use tool that can help.

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A system to use LinkedIn for business development

By Tim Priebe | June 17, 2020

Maybe you have thought to yourself, “Self, I should really be doing more on LinkedIn, but I have no clue how I can get more business using it.” If so, you’re not alone! I frequently talk to business owners and salespeople who have heard about other people having success on LinkedIn, but don’t know how to get started themselves. We’ll dive into a system to use LinkedIn for business development here in a moment, but first let’s answer this question: Should you even be using LinkedIn?

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Should you be blogging for business?

By Tim Priebe | May 20, 2020

Blogging can either be a great thing for your business or nonprofit, or if can be a huge waste of time and resources. If blogging isn’t a good fit for your organization, would you rather know now or find out after months or years of blogging? Let’s take a look at some reasons you may or may not want to start blogging.

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