
Articles written by Tim Priebe

10 online marketing strategies

By Tim Priebe | June 2, 2015

With all the options for online marketing, it can feel overwhelming. If it’s not your full time job, it’s easy to think you’re okay having a website and maybe even updating social media or sending out an email when you have time. It’s easy to lose track of the big picture and not be consistent! Here are ten strategies you can use to make the most of your online marketing.

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LinkedIn business marketing ideas

By Tim Priebe | May 26, 2015

While LinkedIn has very robust profiles, their Company Pages are a little more limited. As a result, it can often be a challenge for business owners, marketers, and nonprofits to integrate their organization’s marketing into LinkedIn. Here are some straight forward tips for integrating your organization’s marketing with your LinkedIn presence.

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OOMPHcast #31: Sara Graybill – Marketing Insights From Graybill Creative

By Tim Priebe | May 20, 2015

In episode 31, Tim is joined by Sara Graybill, owner of Graybill Creative. Sara’s love of technology and background in journalism give her a combination of skills that her clients find valuable. Specializing in websites for churches, non-profits, bed and breakfasts, and agritourism, Graybill Creative has carved out a great niche and identified ways to help serve those in those industries.

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Use MailChimp Social Cards to increase shareability

By Tim Priebe | May 19, 2015

If you’re a MailChimp user, there are likely a lot of features you haven’t utilized. Many of those features take very little time to set up, but can be those final details that your email newsletter has that most others don’t. One such feature is MailChimp’s Social Cards, which can increase your email campaign’s shareability. Let’s take a look at what Social Cards are and three tips for really making use of them.

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5 big website mistakes

By Tim Priebe | May 12, 2015

It’s fairly common knowledge that a website is necessary for just about every organization. But if you do have a website, it needs to be more than just an attractive online brochure. Are you making any of the following five mistakes with your website?

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OOMPHcast #30: Tim Priebe – Optimizing your email marketing

By Tim Priebe | May 6, 2015

Episode 30 is a unique interview as regular host Tim Priebe has the microphone turned on him as he is interviewed by guest host, Gunnar Hood. Tim is the owner of T&S Online Marketing. Tim shares why he believes email is still his preferred form of marketing, how to properly use an email list, and how to create email marketing campaigns that will bring growth to your company.

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OOMPHcast #29: Panel episode featuring 7 guests, part 2

By Tim Priebe | April 22, 2015

In episode 29, we have part two of our ultra, mega panel show. Once more, we’re joined by Gunnar Hood, Patrick Allmond, Kyle Golding, Mike Crandall, Mike Koehler, Jimmy Owens, and myself. In this part, we talk about our pet peeves with online marketing.

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Protect your WordPress websites from terrorists

By Tim Priebe | April 9, 2015

At first glance, the title of this blog entry may seem sensationalist. However, on April 7, 2015, the FBI issued a press release revealing that a group claiming to be ISIL / ISIS sympathizers were targeting WordPress websites. You can read all the details in the official PSA, but suffice it to say, this is a massive WordPress hacking event. Typically, the issue is…

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OOMPHcast #28: Panel episode featuring 7 guests, part 1

By Tim Priebe | April 8, 2015

For episode 28, we have a panel show with a number of past guests. We were joined by Gunnar Hood, Patrick Allmond, Kyle Golding, Mike Crandall, Mike Koehler, Jimmy Owens, and myself. We talk about our favorite online marketing platforms.

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Are you losing leads online?

By Tim Priebe | April 7, 2015

Maybe your organization provides professional services. Maybe you work with a nonprofit that relies on donors and volunteers. Maybe you sell products or services directly online. Whatever the case, you may benefit from getting leads online. Want more leads from your website? Make sure…

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