
Articles written by Tim Priebe

But how can you use online video?

By Tim Priebe | April 7, 2017

As you may or may not know, we officially launched our online video services this week. Who am I kidding—you probably do already know, we’ve been shouting it from every rooftop we could find!

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Hilarious cat videos aren’t a marketing strategy

By Tim Priebe | April 5, 2017

It’s clear that a big part of the future—and present—of digital marketing is online video. It’s been over a decade since Google bought YouTube for $1.65 billion, and it’s not just funny cat videos any more.

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Improve your LinkedIn profile in 30 minutes

By Tim Priebe | March 22, 2017

Let’s be real. You may or may not have already read my ebook, Take charge of your LinkedIn profile in 25 steps. But that’s a lot of steps! To quote a fellow Oklahoman that turned into a nation-wide meme, ain’t nobody got time for that!

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The tortoise and the hare: SEO edition

By Tim Priebe | March 15, 2017

Want fast SEO results? It’s easy to wish we could simply make an upfront investment and quickly shoot up to number one in the Google results! Unfortunately, that isn’t really the way SEO works

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A picture is worth a thousand megabytes (or so)

By Tim Priebe | March 3, 2017

Hi there! Have you ever thought to yourself, “Self, I really wish I knew what the Pixel Pushers at T&S were up to?” (Pixel Pushers is T&S lingo for our fabulous staff.) Well, it’s time to congratulate your self—or should that be “yourself”—because now you can know! All you need to do is connect with us on Instagram.

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Treat your blog articles like movies

By Tim Priebe | March 1, 2017

So you’ve been blogging for a while, sinking a lot of effort into writing helpful articles for your target market. Would you like to get more mileage out of them? You can!
I’m a big movie fan. And just like blog articles, movies are pieces of content. Let’s assume a lot more resources are sunk into the average movie than into the average blog article. But bear with me for a moment.

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OKC nonprofits rock!

By Tim Priebe | February 17, 2017

I love nonprofits! Specifically, I’m a bit of a bleeding heart when it comes to social service nonprofits. Seriously. Tell me the mission of your nonprofit, and before too long I’ll cut you off with, “You had me at nonprofit.” I’ve volunteered, served on boards, contributed to auctions… The list goes on. Since I was crazy enough to…

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Six more must-have WordPress plugins

By Tim Priebe | February 8, 2017

Last week, I talked about six WordPress plugins we install on nearly every WordPress website we launch for our clients. Of course, we actually install twelve. I assume you’ve been chomping at the bit to know the other six, so let’s get to it!

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Six must-have WordPress plugins

By Tim Priebe | February 1, 2017

WordPress is fantastic! Except when it’s missing some functionality you wish it had. Over the past few years, we’ve developed a list of plugins we install on almost every single website we launch. They do an awesome job of filling in those gaps in functionality. There are actually twelve plugins we install, so we’ll take a look at six of them now and six of them next week.

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Make your website more search-engine friendly

By Tim Priebe | January 24, 2017

Want to boost your SEO, but you’re not sure how? There are a lot of factors that go into your ranking in search engine results.

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