OKC nonprofits rock!

By Tim Priebe on February 17, 2017

By Tim Priebe on February 17, 2017

Note: While we no longer offer our pay-what-you-can option for nonprofits, we do have many other options available. Contact us for more info.

I love nonprofits! Specifically, I’m a bit of a bleeding heart when it comes to social service nonprofits. Seriously. Tell me the mission of your nonprofit, and before too long I’ll cut you off with, “You had me at nonprofit.”

I’ve volunteered, served on boards, contributed to auctions… The list goes on.

Since I was crazy enough to start T&S years and years ago, I have the fortune to be able to decide the direction of our company. Long ago, I decided we were going to make working with nonprofits part of our business model.

Eventually, that became one primary offering: a pay-what-you-can website option for nonprofits.

“Wait, what?” you may find yourself asking. “You just let nonprofits pay whatever they want?”

No, silly. You weren’t reading carefully enough. It’s pay-what-you-CAN, not pay-what-you-WANT.

My goal was to make it possible for all nonprofit organizations to be able to afford a professional website with expert support. If it turns out they can afford one at full price, we ask that they pay that.

But if they can’t, that’s okay too.

“But Tim,” you may also ask, “what if I’m starting a nonprofit, but I’m not an official 501(c)(3)?”

First off, if you don’t know, 501(c)(3) is the tax-exempt status you have to get for the IRS to officially consider you a public charity rather than a private company.

Secondly, we don’t care.

Seriously! We’re not the IRS.

If what you’re doing sounds like a nonprofit to us, we’re going to take you at your word and let you pay whatever you can.

Could you be deceiving us? Sure.

Could you be lying about what you can actually pay? Of course.

Despite what my 12-year-old son sometimes thinks, I’m not an idiot. I know it’s entirely possible someone could take advantage of us with this offering.

That’s a risk I’m willing to take.

In general, I rely on the honesty of others, including our clients. And our pay-what-you-can website for nonprofits is no exception.


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