
Articles written by Leann Priebe

Promote events with online marketing

By Leann Priebe | May 17, 2016

Have you ever been to an event that you found out about through word of mouth, or because a friend of yours posted it on social media? We went to Heard on Hurd recently, and we had a great time, but it got me thinking—this was a huge event! How did they market it? I suspected that they…

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How to be annoying on Facebook

By Leann Priebe | March 1, 2016

As someone who does online marketing (and as a human being!) I’ve developed some strong opinions about social media—especially Facebook. There are a lot of great uses for the website. But there are a lot of super annoying ways to use it as well.

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Skittish about WordPress?

By Leann Priebe | February 9, 2016

Some people have no problem with new technology. But if you’re anything like me, you may have been a bit apprehensive about learning a new system to update your website. Gosh, I didn’t like WordPress at first, but only because I didn’t know what I was doing.

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Schedule social media graphics in Hootsuite

By Leann Priebe | December 29, 2015

Sharing great visual content on your social networks is a fantastic way to increase engagement. Using Hootsuite, you can pre-schedule your social media graphics to go out to multiple social media websites at once. That way, you save yourself the work of posting the graphics manually. Let’s find out how!

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Schedule a month of social media in Hootsuite

By Leann Priebe | December 22, 2015

We’re a big believer in consistency in your social media presence. And creating your social media content in monthly batches is a great way to ensure that happens.

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5 annoying YouTube habits

By Leann Priebe | October 27, 2015

Like many YouTube watchers, I’m always on the lookout for both laughs and information. I want to watch videos on beauty, organization and mom stuff. But sometimes YouTube channel owners make it really difficult for me to do that. Here are some YouTube habits you and your organization should avoid.

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Meanwhile, back at T&S…

By Leann Priebe | September 15, 2015

I’ve now been at T&S Online Marketing full time for a couple months. To be clear, I’ve owned the company with Tim from the beginning, but recently transitioned to working at T&S full time. As the reigning Content Queen, I work with clients to coordinate the creation of blogs, social media and email newsletters, as well as other miscellaneous online marketing work. I’ve learned a lot in the last few weeks about marketing, a good office culture, and even some specifics on Tim in the office.

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