
Articles written by Leann Priebe

How do I contact Mailchimp for help?

By Leann Priebe | April 21, 2021

We’re big fans of Mailchimp. It’s our platform of choice for email newsletters and plenty of other email marketing as well. We also recommend it to our clients largely because it’s so easy to use. But what do you do when you have a problem? How do you contact Mailchimp for help?

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Is it okay to not be on Facebook?

By Leann Priebe | February 17, 2021

Facebook is a great marketing tool for businesses and organizations, and there are many reasons why. However, Facebook is not for everyone, and we understand! There are different things to take into consideration, as well as pros and cons.

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The awards we’re most proud of

By Leann Priebe | January 27, 2021

Tim and I started our digital marketing agency here in the Oklahoma City metro back in 2003. In that time, we’ve been recognized locally, nationally, and even internationally, but we don’t talk about it that often. But it’s time to change that! Here are just a few of the awards we’ve won in the last few years that mean a lot to us.

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Free website builders

By Leann Priebe | January 6, 2021

While creating a website is essential for just about every business or organization, not everyone is in the same place as far as what they can afford to invest in. While we do our best to have various pricing options, we know not everyone can afford to invest in having a professional marketing team develop their website. That’s where free website builders come into play!

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Free images for commercial use

By Leann Priebe | December 9, 2020

Whether you’re writing blogs, social media posts, or any other type of digital marketing content, it’s beneficial to include images. That visual content helps make your content more readable and keeps them engaged. If all you post are pages full of nothing but words, people find it more challenging to read.

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Animated GIFs in Mailchimp, Facebook, and WordPress!

By Leann Priebe | October 7, 2020

Animated GIFs are great, right? Whether you are using Facebook, Mailchimp, WordPress, or any social website, you can add a fun, personal touch to your writing by inserting a GIF. While animated GIFs have been around since the late 90s—remember those cheesy “website under construction” GIFs?—they’ve seen a resurgence in recent years.

Let’s look at how GIFs have come back, how to insert them, where to find free ones, how to make your own, and more.

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How much does it cost to maintain a website?

By Leann Priebe | September 2, 2020

The days of launching a website then not having to touch it for several years are long gone. Depending on your website’s complexity, the CMS—Content Management System—it’s built on, and your needs, the investment for maintaining a website can vary greatly. If you’re paying yearly…

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How the WordPress login works

By Leann Priebe | July 8, 2020

WordPress is a powerful website building platform, and one of the most frequently used content management systems, a.k.a. CMSs. We’ve used it for years here at T&S, and we love it! Even if you’re a DIYer looking to start a website, you can install WordPress and get up and running. It’s a flexible system with many different plugins and themes. There are a lot of reasons to use it!

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How to add Facebook to your Gmail signature

By Leann Priebe | June 24, 2020

Ever looked at someone’s email signature and wonder how they linked to their business’s social media page? Fortunately, if you use Gmail or Gsuite for your email, that’s practically built in! You can easily link to your Facebook profile, your Facebook Page, or any other social media platform you have a presence on.

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How SEO friendly is my website?

By Leann Priebe | June 3, 2020

While SEO is something we have helped clients with for over a decade now, that’s not my area of expertise. Other people on our team handle that. However, that puts me in a position to relate to our clients who hire us because they’re not SEO experts either!

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