
Articles written by Holly Kosec

Online videos on a budget

By Holly Kosec | April 12, 2017

Online videos are great for digital marketing. But they can definitely be more expensive than most other online options. The rule of thumb in the past has been to plan on $1,000 per minute of video!

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The boring history of T&S’s logo

By Holly Kosec | March 17, 2017

Our esteemed owner Tim usually knows what he’s doing. Except, of course, when he doesn’t. Specifically, when it comes to doing graphic design work. He’s actually helpful when he gives me feedback on my designs, but he couldn’t design his way out a paper bag.

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How to build your Pinterest showcase

By Holly Kosec | January 3, 2017

Love Pinterest? Hey, me too! Of course, being a designer, I’m going to be partial to any visual social media platform. But if you run a business account on Pinterest, there’s a cool feature you may want to test out.

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The 2016 T&S survey results

By Holly Kosec | December 20, 2016

We recently sent out a survey to our newsletter subscribers—in fact, you might call it our 2016 Email Newsletter Subscriber Survey. (We do.) Our goal was to learn what our audience (that’s you!) wants more of from us in the future. But instead of…

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LinkedIn’s new Company Pages

By Holly Kosec | December 13, 2016

LinkedIn is important for many businesses and nonprofits, so when I found out that LinkedIn was overhauling their Company Pages yet again, I was cautiously optimistic. There’s always room for improvement, but…

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Four Instagram best practices

By Holly Kosec | November 8, 2016

Recently, I attended a webinar that covered some of the best practices in Instagram based on popular posts. The examples were from a bunch of different kinds of users and in all kinds of industries—although food was a pretty common theme, of course.

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The right image size for social media

By Holly Kosec | October 25, 2016

Okay, I know I’m biased as a graphic designer, but sharing images on social media is a really important part of a social media plan. And there’s plenty of objective proof!

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Can’t see changes to your website?

By Holly Kosec | September 13, 2016

Have you ever made changes to your website and notified your coworkers, only to find that they couldn’t see your changes? You could see them on your computer, but when your coworker pulled up your organization’s website, your changes weren’t there!

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Does your website annoy people?

By Holly Kosec | August 9, 2016

No business builds a website designed to annoy visitors. You’d be surprised at how often that’s what ends up happening, though.
Or maybe you’re not surprised—because you can think of a couple examples of frustrating websites right off the top of your head.

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What’s your plan?

By Holly Kosec | July 19, 2016

Have you ever been frustrated because you know that social media could be helpful for your organization, but so far it hasn’t been as helpful as you’d like? Maybe you’ve started using it and it feels like a big waste of time. Or maybe you haven’t done anything at all, because you’re too overwhelmed.
Most people tend to fall into one of three groups when it comes to social media.

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