
Articles about websites

Common questions about domain names

By Holly Kosec | November 1, 2017

Your domain name is a key part of your online identity. At the most basic level, a domain name is a website address (such as, but it’s actually a little more complicated than that.

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The diminishing role of keywords in SEO

By Tim Priebe | October 11, 2017

In the olden days of search engine optimization (or SEO), it was all about keyword meta tags and description meta tags. (And yes, I’ve been around long enough to remember the olden days of SEO.) Meta tags played a huge role in your website’s SEO rankings, but their role has diminished so much that they no longer really impact your ranking at all.

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Should you worry about your WordPress website’s speed?

By Tim Priebe | September 13, 2017

The short answer is, yes, you should worry about website speed. Who cares, you might ask? People and Google. But if you want the long answer with some tips to go along with it, keep on reading.

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Best practices for your homepage video

By Tuan Pham | July 26, 2017

One type of video we do fairly often here at T&S is a 60-second commercial of sorts for the main page on our clients’ websites. Of course, it doesn’t have to be exactly 60 seconds—ours isn’t—but it does need to be fairly short.

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A one-page website without WordPress

By Tim Priebe | July 12, 2017

A website without WordPress? Sounds like heresy! We’re huge fans of WordPress here at T&S, but even we know it isn’t always the answer.

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How to invest money (not time) to increase traffic to your site

By Tim Priebe | May 10, 2017

Okay, so last week I shared one strategic way to invest time (not money) to increase traffic to your website.

Some organizations have more time than cash as a resource, so time is a solution that makes sense in their worlds. But what if you have the opposite situation?

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How to invest time (not money) to increase traffic to your site

By Tim Priebe | May 3, 2017

A lot of people I talk to are wary about putting a financial investment toward getting traffic to their site, because they’re not sure it will bring them any kind of return on that investment.

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The tortoise and the hare: SEO edition

By Tim Priebe | March 15, 2017

Want fast SEO results? It’s easy to wish we could simply make an upfront investment and quickly shoot up to number one in the Google results! Unfortunately, that isn’t really the way SEO works

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Treat your blog articles like movies

By Tim Priebe | March 1, 2017

So you’ve been blogging for a while, sinking a lot of effort into writing helpful articles for your target market. Would you like to get more mileage out of them? You can!
I’m a big movie fan. And just like blog articles, movies are pieces of content. Let’s assume a lot more resources are sunk into the average movie than into the average blog article. But bear with me for a moment.

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Quit hiding your contact information!

By Leann Priebe | February 15, 2017

Okay, okay, I can see you rolling your eyes already. Maybe you aren’t hiding your contact information on your website, but do you have it in multiple places? Are people calling your office from your website, or are they surprised to hear you have a website? Can prospects find you from what’s on your website?

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