
Articles about design

20 Awesome Google+ Covers

By Holly Kosec | August 20, 2012

Over the past few months, thanks to many of Google’s changes that make it more valuable, many businesses have been finding a home on Google+. In April, Google+ introduced cover photos to their personal and business pages. I decided to follow up on our 27 Fantastic Facebook Cover Photos blog and search Google+ for the…

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11 Killer Resources for Designers

By Holly Kosec | August 6, 2012

A designer’s creativity and imagination are two key ingredients when it comes to making a successful design. But sometimes, even a great designer can use a little boost, whether that’s from an awesome tool that makes your life easier, or a showcase that helps spark a new idea. And so, because sharing is caring, here…

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Website Round-up for June 2012

By Holly Kosec | July 9, 2012

Over the past month, we’ve had quite a few new sites go live. So many, in fact, that I decided to spotlight a few of them! Check out what we’ve been up to recently: CityScapes Lawn & Landscape Services Starter Website – CityScapes is a local landscape design company, servicing both commercial and residential customers…

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4 Steps to a Good Logo

By Holly Kosec | June 26, 2012

Every business has a logo, or should. It’s the identifying symbol of your entire company. If you get this wrong, the reputation of your company could be at stake. So how can you make sure your logo isn’t sending all the wrong signals? Here are four steps to follow in your logo-making journey.

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27 Fantastic Facebook Cover Photos

By Tim Priebe | March 9, 2012

Are you in need of inspiration for your Facebook page’s Cover Photo? Some of the big brand names (and many smaller companies, too) have already switched their pages over to the new Timeline look, even though the March 30th deadline is still a few weeks away. Holly and I recently sat down and combed through…

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Feel smarter. Be trendy. Use QR Codes.

By Guest Blogger | August 8, 2011

Yes, QR Codes are the new buzz in technology land. The question is, are you one of those smart people buzzing about it? First, a lesson about what it is. Then, a lesson about what it is to you.

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5 Reasons why Fireworks kicks Photoshop’s Web Designing Butt

By Guest Blogger | September 3, 2010

When it comes to designing webpages I prefer working in Fireworks. I know, I know. There seems to exist a real prejudice against Fireworks. Sort of like you’re not a real designer if you use it. I challenge any web designer to give Fireworks the old college try. Making the switch to Fireworks was the…

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It’s so ugly I want to cry…

By Guest Blogger | August 2, 2010

Dry your eyes! T&S is here to save the day! How you ask? With the power of FMUD! Yes, that’s right! With the power of, you too can surround yourself with good design! Have you ever looked at someone’s business card and not wanted to do business with them because it was just that…

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Concept vs. Creation: why logos cost an arm and a leg

By Guest Blogger | January 25, 2010

“I could have designed that.” Sound familiar? I still find myself guilty of this phrase, even as a designer. When I see a sleek, simple logo design, it’s hard to appreciate the extensive process that occurred before the finished product. Sure I could have traced the graphic, found the correct font and duplicated the colors,…

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Web Design is not Print Design

By Guest Blogger | January 18, 2010

It’s easy to think that design is design and that there isn’t a whole lot of difference between the types of design. For the most part this is true. There are definitely fundamental principles that translate across genres. Principles like the golden ratio and the rule of thirds and all of that good stuff. (If…

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