
Dive into our insights, expertise, and company culture. We've been blogging since 2008, so enjoy our articles.

Google Names T&S Web Design a Favorite Place

By Tim Priebe | December 16, 2009

We’ve long thought of T&S as our favorite place. It looks like Google agrees with us. Well, Google users, anyway. Google recently sent us a small package with a decal and letter in it to let us know that we’ve been selected as a Favorite Place on Google. Apparently less than 1% of the businesses…

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Email Etiquette Part 1: Keepin’ It Real

By Guest Blogger | December 11, 2009

In the midst of hundreds of emails each week (thousands for some), I think it’s fairly common to disregard the need for personable communication and correct email behavior. There is a laundry list of things to remember, so I thought I would break it up into a series of blog entries. Hopefully working on it…

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Our CMS won an award!

By Tim Priebe | November 30, 2009

Okay, okay, it’s not technically our content management system, per se. But WordPress, the software that we install on 90% (or more) of our websites so clients can manage their own sites and blog if they so desire, recently won the 2009 Open Source CMS Award. WordPress started out as a blogging platform, and we…

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Tip for IE6 fixes in Dreamweaver

By Tim Priebe | November 27, 2009

If you’re a Dreamweaver user and you try to make sure your sites work in Internet Explorer 6, this tip is for you. When using Dreamweaver templates, one of the things that Dreamweaver does well is automatically correct paths for you. This is extremely helpful, because you don’t have to worry about what directory you’re…

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Diabetes Solutions’ new website

By Tim Priebe | November 23, 2009

As you probably know, this year we’ve been giving away one website a month to non-profits here in Oklahoma. Diabetes Solutions was the winner in February, and we launched their site awhile back. Well, we just received their newsletter in the mail the other day, and they were kind enough to include a thank you…

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Can you find the mistake? We obviously failed.

By Guest Blogger | November 20, 2009

Case in point. Web is better than print. Okay, not all the time, but when you find a mistake 10 weeks down the road, website has been launched, and it’s been through the hands of at least half a dozen people, thousands of dollars aren’t poured into correcting the piddly error. We might suffer a…

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Improve Content Absorption

By Guest Blogger | November 12, 2009

Hey, I’m Elyssa Dolinger, a recent T&S designer hire (Yeah! Helping to even out our designer/programmer ratio.) and I believe strongly in the power of information design. Print design theory can really help in classing up a web page. More importantly, print designers are used to working with a lot of content. A lot of…

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Websitepalooza details are here

By Tim Priebe | October 17, 2009

Okay, here’s the scoop. We’ve been working on this for months. We’ve perfected a process that lets you get a website up and going for hundreds of dollars less than you normally could, and after spending just an hour with us here at T&S Web Design. $595 includes a basic ten page website, a domain…

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Boss Man Tim…Day

By Guest Blogger | October 16, 2009

Leann surprised all of us with some sandwiches and a sweet cake for Boss Day. Whether or not Tim was worthy of a rainbow cake, we all enjoyed it greatly. Ok, I guess he’s an alright boss. Check out the high quality iPhone pictures on Facebook. We had quite the party.

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Twitter Phishing Scam Alert

By Tim Priebe | October 14, 2009

Twitter has posted that some individuals are having problems with their usernames and passwords. I’m hearing from some sources that this is actually a result of an extensive phishing scam. Definitely don’t change your password after clicking a link in an email or direct message, and just be careful in general on Twitter for the…

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