Google Names T&S Web Design a Favorite Place

By Tim Priebe on December 16, 2009

By Tim Priebe on December 16, 2009

We’ve long thought of T&S as our favorite place. It looks like Google agrees with us. Well, Google users, anyway.

Google recently sent us a small package with a decal and letter in it to let us know that we’ve been selected as a Favorite Place on Google. Apparently less than 1% of the businesses in the United States were selected, based largely on their popularity on Google results.

Here’s how Google describes it on their FAQ page on the topic:

The list was determined based on the popularity of a business’ Local Business Center listing, as determined by how many times Google users looked for more information about a business, requested driving directions to get there, and more. Google users “decided” based on their actions, and we sent the decals.

Over 100,000 businesses were identified as Favorite Places, representing less than 1% of the 28 million U.S. businesses. We believe that our standards for selecting businesses are as selective or more selective than other companies which have run similar initiatives.

Very cool! The decal actually has a QR barcode pointing to our Google Business Listing.

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