
Articles written by Tim Priebe

4 Elements of a Blog Post People Want to Share

By Tim Priebe | October 15, 2012

Blogging can be overwhelming for many business owners. You have to create a blog, or pay someone to do so. Then you have to come up with content week after week, more or less. In today’s social media world, the final step is to make sure the blog post is shareable across social media websites. And that’s more than just slapping a Facebook share and Twitter retweet option on there. Let’s take a look at the four elements of a good blog post that’s easily shareable.

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Are You Marketing on the Biggest Social Network?

By Tim Priebe | October 1, 2012

Twitter has over 575 million accounts. Facebook reportedly has 901 million users. Yet neither of those are the biggest social network of all. So if you’re spending any time marketing your business on those platforms, you should definitely be investing time and/or money in what is the undisputed largest social network that even predates MySpace.…

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How to regain control of your website

By Tim Priebe | September 3, 2012

If you’ve lost control of your website, you’re not alone. Frequently people come to us at T&S whose webmaster has disappeared, volunteer has run out of time, or whose website is being held hostage by another web company.

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The Great SEO Backlink Hoax

By Tim Priebe | August 27, 2012

If you’ve done any research on Search Engine Optimization (and if you haven’t, that’s okay), you may have come across the term “backlinks.” Simply put, a backlink is a link from another person’s website back to your website. And many search engine companies build all their SEO strategies for clients around a backlink strategy. Those…

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The Kids’ Place Bowling Tournament 2012

By Tim Priebe | July 30, 2012

This year marks the fifth year that the Baird Agency of Farmers Insurance here in Edmond is putting on a fund-raiser benefiting The Kids’ Place of Edmond. This year’s event will be on August 25, 2012. About The Kids’ Place The Kids’ Place of Edmond is a grief support center for children and teens experiencing…

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Google Plus Pages just became more powerful!

By Tim Priebe | July 23, 2012

Okay, I admit it. I ripped off my headline from an article I wrote last month on LinkedIn Pages being added to HootSuite. Rightfully so, because the same thing has now happened with Google Plus. That’s right, Google Plus just became a much more powerful tool, because you can now pre-schedule your updates in HootSuite along with other social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Follow us on LinkedIn, win a book or two

By Tim Priebe | July 2, 2012

LinkedIn can be a huge asset, especially for businesses in the B2B arena. And with HootSuite recently rolling out the ability to update your LinkedIn Company Page automatically with the rest of your social media, we’re sure to see an increase in LinkedIn usage by companies. If you’ve ever said to yourself, “Self, I should…

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LinkedIn Company Pages just became more powerful!

By Tim Priebe | June 28, 2012

If you haven’t heard, HootSuite now supports LinkedIn Company Pages. If you have a HootSuite account, and haven’t been using LinkedIn as much as you would like, now is the time to add it to your normal, scheduled updates. And we’ve got two how-to guides to get you going.

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Do You Need a Mobile Website?

By Tim Priebe | June 13, 2012

You probably already have a website (if not, contact us now), but have heard of these new-fangled devices called smart phones. Or maybe you’ve looked at your website on your smart phone, and don’t like how it looks. But you’re not 100% sure that your business needs a mobile-friendly website. How can you tell if…

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Vote on the four robot name finalists

By Tim Priebe | June 1, 2012

We’re down to the last leg of our Name That Robot contest. If you haven’t been keeping up to date on the contest, our robot mascot has been without a name for the past year or so. We decided we would let you guys name him, and give away prizes to all the finalists. Well,…

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