Do You Need a Mobile Website?

By Tim Priebe on June 13, 2012

By Tim Priebe on June 13, 2012

You probably already have a website (if not, contact us now), but have heard of these new-fangled devices called smart phones. Or maybe you’ve looked at your website on your smart phone, and don’t like how it looks. But you’re not 100% sure that your business needs a mobile-friendly website. How can you tell if you really need one?

If you fit any of the following conditions, you probably need a mobile website.

  • You run a business that sells direct to consumers.
  • You blog with any frequency.
  • You run any events.
  • You get calls asking for directions.
  • Anyone ever tells you they had trouble using your website on their cell phone.
  • You have trouble using your website on your cell phone.

Basically, if you want your information to be convenient to access for people on the go, you need a mobile website.

Way back in October of 2010, the amount of people with a mobile phone surpassed the number of people with a computer, including both desktops and laptops. And by 2015, they project that more people will access the internet through mobile devices than through computers.

And not everyone is getting a mobile site yet! Getting a site optimized for smart phones can keep you ahead of the curve if your competition doesn’t yet have one. And if they do already have one, then you need one even more.

Oh, did I mention that consumers are 51% more likely to do business with you if you have a mobile website?

Now is the time to take advantage of the shift to mobile phones!

Feel free to contact us with any questions.


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  1. Mat on February 13, 2014 at 5:40 am

    In my opinion mobile site for a business is not needed anymore since responsive website looks great on mobile phones.

    • Tim Priebe Tim Priebe on February 13, 2014 at 9:09 am

      That’s definitely one option when developing a brand new website. However, it’s not always the best option in every situation, and not everyone who needs a mobile website is in a position to develop a brand new website. There are frequently business and financial considerations as well. So I disagree that mobile optimized sites aren’t needed any longer.