
Articles about social media

Marketing Online In The Right Order – Build Engagement

By Tim Priebe | March 11, 2014

All too often, clients come to me confessing that they feel like they’ve failed when marketing online on their own. I know that for every time I hear that confession, there are many others that are keeping their feeling of failure a secret.

For some of those, that frustration can easily be avoided, simply by sticking to some specific steps in a specific order.

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Marketing Online In The Right Order – Build Your Audience

By Tim Priebe | March 4, 2014

If you feel embarrassed because you feel like you’re failing on your Facebook page, email newsletter, blog, or YouTube channel, you’re not alone. Plenty of people get discouraged because they feel like they haven’t met with success marketing online.

If that’s you, the reality is that you may have just missed one key step, or gotten the steps a little out of order.

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Marketing Online In The Right Order – Build Your Platform

By Tim Priebe | February 18, 2014

If you have that nagging feeling of failure when marketing your organization online, you’re not alone. Plenty of other people have felt the same way you have. The key is to move past that by figuring out what you did wrong, and correcting it.

In many cases, I’ve found that people had that feeling of failure because they were doing some key steps out of order. Or maybe they were leaving out some steps entirely.

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How to resize your pictures for the web

By Holly Kosec | January 28, 2014

You’ve probably come across a website where all the pictures seemed just a bit off. They were either too big, too small, or cut up in a way that made the picture look bad. Fortunately, resizing pictures is fairly easy. The resizing process is different on Mac and PC, so I’ve broken the instructions out for each below.

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Why assumptions will drive your audience away

By Guest Blogger | January 21, 2014

When you’re running a business or working within a particular niche, it’s easy to to fall into the habit of making assumptions. The issues and concepts you deal with day-to-day may seem obvious and self-explanatory. Industry terms and buzzwords might slip into casual conversations with clients, because you assume everyone knows what you’re talking about.

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How to win rabid fans by creating content people hate

By Guest Blogger | January 7, 2014

Everyone wants to be loved. The problem is, trying force people to love you doesn’t really work. Many people fall into the trap of over-tempering their marketing content and branding, because they want to appeal to everyone.

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Danger: Avoid a New Year’s marketing burnout

By Guest Blogger | December 31, 2013

It’s New Year’s Eve and many people are getting ready to charge into 2014 with a shiny new marketing plan. They’re going to blog every day and get more active on Twitter and LinkedIn. Potential customers will be impressed by the flood of content and updates. It’s going to be a great year. It’s going to be different—better than last year.

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The Whole Point – Value

By Tim Priebe | December 17, 2013

Whether you’re on social networks, working on your email newsletter, or blogging on your website, you should be working on getting others to Know, Like, Trust, and Value you. Value is a key component of that, because people that don’t know what you do or aren’t in the market for what you do won’t do business with you.

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The Whole Point – Like

By Tim Priebe | November 26, 2013

As we’ve discussed before, the whole point of marketing your organization online is to get people to Know, Like, Trust, and Value you. So what are some ways you can get someone to like your organization?

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The Whole Point – Know

By Tim Priebe | November 19, 2013

What’s the whole point of marketing your business or nonprofit online? Too often, we can get bogged down with new tools, features, and changing capabilities. We lose track of what it’s really all about when we get caught up in the details. Really, the point of marketing online is pretty simple. And if you can keep it in mind, it makes decisions about online marketing a lot easier.

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