
Articles about Backslash Creative

Follow us on LinkedIn, win a book or two

By Tim Priebe | July 2, 2012

LinkedIn can be a huge asset, especially for businesses in the B2B arena. And with HootSuite recently rolling out the ability to update your LinkedIn Company Page automatically with the rest of your social media, we’re sure to see an increase in LinkedIn usage by companies. If you’ve ever said to yourself, “Self, I should…

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Our robot has a name!

By Holly Kosec | June 8, 2012

At long last, the time has finally come for our darling robot mascot to have a name all to himself. We have all of you to thank for that! We really appreciate the time you guys put in, submitting names, voting on our poll, and cheering on your favorite robot names. We had a lot…

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Vote on the four robot name finalists

By Tim Priebe | June 1, 2012

We’re down to the last leg of our Name That Robot contest. If you haven’t been keeping up to date on the contest, our robot mascot has been without a name for the past year or so. We decided we would let you guys name him, and give away prizes to all the finalists. Well,…

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New website plus a contest

By Tim Priebe | May 11, 2012

It’s been three years since we launched our last website for ourselves. In that time, a ridiculous amount of things have changed on the internets. Seriously, it’s been insane. So it’s finally time for a new T&S website! I’m going to thank a few people, but be sure to read on to see how you…

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Angry Birds in Real Life

By Holly Kosec | April 27, 2012

Angry Birds in real life, courtesy of the Orangites here at T&S. This was the last video we shot with Emily Spirek and Jessica Green before they both left to start their own companies. We’ll miss you guys!

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Can you not update your own website?

By Tim Priebe | February 3, 2012

If your website was not made in the last couple years, chances are good that you need special software to update your website. And if you have more than one person updating your site, you have to pay for a copy of the software for each of them. And you may all still need knowledge…

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Programming Intern Needed

By Tim Priebe | August 24, 2011

It’s the marvelous fall season again, which means it’s time for a new intern here at T&S. Who doesn’t want to get everyone in the office coffee and make runs to Sonic during happy hour? Oh, and occasionally there’s actual programming involved. This year we need one programming intern to work around 20 hours a…

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You spin me right round

By Holly Kosec | June 10, 2011

Hi everyone! My name is Holly, aka Holl-Pass, Holly Pocket, Holls, or Dave. Yea, I have a lot of nicknames going around the office. I’m the new kid in town at T&S, which Scott loves. Although he only preceded me by a week, he thoroughly enjoys being able to pass off the newbie title so…

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New boss, new co-workers, new responsibilities

By Guest Blogger | May 19, 2011

Starting a new job can be, well… awkward. Everything is new. New boss, new co-workers, new responsibilities. Then, if youʼre a programmer, thereʼs a plethora of programs to learn and logins to memorize (I have at least three different passwords depending on what Iʼm logging into). Thatʼs not to mention the incredibly maze-ish file systems…

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Big Winner of Google Maps Contest

By Tim Priebe | March 16, 2011

Congrats to Andy Moore, the winner of our Google Maps Contest. Here was his winning entry: Thanks to everyone who entered. Google did call us last week, but sadly they have not yet moved our listing. If you like free stuff (and who doesn’t), be sure to check out our Facebook Page this week for…

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