
Dive into our insights, expertise, and company culture. We've been blogging since 2008, so enjoy our articles.

Cutting down on cost when redoing your logo

By Tim Priebe | May 18, 2008

Can you tell I’m a little stuck on logos lately? Our job here at T&S is to help businesses put their best foot forward on the web. Unfortunately, bad logos tend to work against us in that regard. We have to come up with creative ways to use logos we’re not fond of in a…

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When to redo your logo

By Tim Priebe | May 8, 2008

We often run into clients who we think should redo their logo, and they frequently resist the change for one reason or another. More often than not, they created it themselves and put a lot of hard work into it. Now, I have no doubt that if you made the logo yourself, you put a…

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Our senior programmer recovering

By Tim Priebe | May 6, 2008

Nick Little is our senior programmer and was our first official employee. We recently all went out to eat to celebrate his one-year anniversary with T&S. Last night, Nick had an accident that landed him in the Emergency Room. He will be out of commission for a few days, but should be back up to…

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Welcome to the new T&S website and blog

By Tim Priebe | May 1, 2008

Welcome to all of our clients, potential clients, and webmasters. We’ve redesigned our website and moved our old blog over here. We’ve decided to start anew with posts, though we will occasionally be putting oldies but goodies up here as well. We always have plenty of ideas for topics, but if you’d like to hear…

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