Welcome to the new T&S website and blog

By Tim Priebe on May 1, 2008

By Tim Priebe on May 1, 2008

Welcome to all of our clients, potential clients, and webmasters. We’ve redesigned our website and moved our old blog over here. We’ve decided to start anew with posts, though we will occasionally be putting oldies but goodies up here as well.

We always have plenty of ideas for topics, but if you’d like to hear about something specific, let us know. And feel free to give us feedback on the new design as well.

We’re looking forward to resuming blogging and great communication with everyone!

Our Old Website

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  1. Avatar Darlene Wilkins on May 2, 2008 at 12:06 pm

    I love your redesign on your web. Doing a good job, keep up the good work. Hope you get lots of new clients.