
Dive into our insights, expertise, and company culture. We've been blogging since 2008, so enjoy our articles.

Instant messaging on LinkedIn

By Tim Priebe | June 7, 2017

Recently, LinkedIn made some pretty major changes to how messages can work on their platform. Among other things, they added some features that let messages function more like instant messaging, similar to Facebook.

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Create a video strategy to further your business goals

By Holly Kosec | May 31, 2017

You can waste a lot of time and energy with online marketing if you’re just doing something because you’re “supposed to.”

Online video is no different! And because it’s a pretty trendy type of content right now, it can be easy to get swept up in thinking that because “everyone else” is doing it, that you should too.

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Should your video be on Facebook or YouTube?

By Lauren Rogers | May 24, 2017

Facebook and YouTube are two of biggest platforms you can use to share your organization’s videos online. (Read about some of the others here.)

But you’ll have different results with your videos depending on whether you upload them to Facebook or YouTube.

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Stevie the intern is our new Creator of Things!

By Lauren Rogers | May 19, 2017

Stevie has been one of our interns for several months now, and recently, the powers-that-be decided that she should be around even more! (Okay, it was Tim and Leann.)

Her first full-time week was earlier this month, and she has been helping us with everything from website backups, to site updates, to blog writing. We love having her on our team, and thought we’d interview her so you can get to know her too!

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Outperform 51% of LinkedIn members in an afternoon

By Lauren Rogers | May 17, 2017

LinkedIn is a platform where a lot of people feel like they “should” have a presence, but don’t really know what it should look like or what the actual purpose is.

Sound familiar? That’s okay.

LinkedIn is useful if you’re building a professional network, maintaining connections, looking for a job, or want to be seen as an industry expert.

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How to invest money (not time) to increase traffic to your site

By Tim Priebe | May 10, 2017

Okay, so last week I shared one strategic way to invest time (not money) to increase traffic to your website.

Some organizations have more time than cash as a resource, so time is a solution that makes sense in their worlds. But what if you have the opposite situation?

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Best of PixelTV (a somewhat biased list)

By Lauren Rogers | May 5, 2017

You might be familiar with our PixelTV online video series—or maybe not—but we thought it would be fun to pull out some of the PixelTV videos we’re most proud of and share them with you anyway.

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How to invest time (not money) to increase traffic to your site

By Tim Priebe | May 3, 2017

A lot of people I talk to are wary about putting a financial investment toward getting traffic to their site, because they’re not sure it will bring them any kind of return on that investment.

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How not to build your audience on YouTube

By Leann Priebe | April 26, 2017

I’m a huge YouTube fan. I’ll pass many evenings sitting on the couch or lying in bed watching YouTube videos. I subscribe to a number of channels. And that’s because those YouTubers are building their audience the right way.

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Introducing Tuan Pham, videographer extraordinaire

By Tim Priebe | April 21, 2017

Introducing our new videographer! Okay, okay, he’s not really that new, but we kept him a little under wraps because we wanted to reveal our new video services with a big bang!

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