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Why we use BackupBuddy for WordPress backups

By Tim Priebe | March 14, 2018

Regardless of what system your website is running on, one of the basic security measures you should be taking is backing it up on a regular basis. That way, if anything happens, you’ll always have a backup you can revert to. So if you use WordPress, what backup solution should you go with?

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Should your business be on Instagram?

By Chloé Gee | March 7, 2018

Businesses everywhere, both small and large, are joining the Insta-craze—and for good reason. Human beings are visual by nature. In fact, we can process images 60,000 times fast than text! Instagram’s focus on image first and text second has driven its success as a social platform, as evident by its 500 million daily active users.

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Improve your organization’s presence on LinkedIn

By Tim Priebe | February 28, 2018

If your organization provides professional services, it can benefit you to look good on LinkedIn. The platform definitely skews toward the professional services industry, but even if you’re in another industry, it can still be a great tool.

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Adding to your bottom line with email marketing

By Tim Priebe | February 21, 2018

Just like with most forms of digital marketing, using an email newsletter to market your business can leave you in a rut. You can end up spinning your wheels and waste a lot of effort if you don’t have the right strategy in place. Here are a few things you should make sure you’re doing…

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The new way to schedule Instagram posts with Hootsuite

By Tim Priebe | February 14, 2018

To quote one of my favorite television shows, Futurama, “Good news, everyone!” You can now schedule Instagram posts using Hootsuite, and other social media tools are working on rolling it out as well. “Wait, couldn’t you already do that?” you may be asking.

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Target audience matters

By Tim Priebe | February 7, 2018

When it comes to digital marketing, it can sometimes be tempting to take the shotgun approach of trying a lot of things just to see what works. I don’t know about you, but I am easily distracted, so trying a lot of things just wastes a lot of time, energy, and even money!

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Mobile design inspiration

By Holly Kosec | January 31, 2018

If your website isn’t mobile friendly, it’s time to get in on the game! It’s now been more than 10 years since the iPhone debuted. While I’m personally more of an Android fan, there’s no debating the fact that smart phones have greatly impacted web design.

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Five great animated GIFs

By Tim Priebe | January 24, 2018

Whether you pronounce it with a hard or soft G, animated GIFs are here to stay. They’re now built into social media platforms, which makes them easy to use and misuse. Here are five examples of great animated GIFs used by businesses and nonprofits.

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Four photography tips for amateurs

By Holly Kosec | January 17, 2018

One of the things that makes a huge difference in how good your website looks is how good your photography looks. And that carries over to social media and even email newsletters.

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Google+ for SEO

By Tim Priebe | January 10, 2018

For most people, Google+ seems somewhat of a ghost town. And while it’s true that certain communities are definitely active on there, in general it’s nowhere near as active as the other comparable social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. But are your Google rankings important to you? Does it matter how high you are in the search results for topics related to your business?

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