
Articles written by Tim Priebe

Day at the T&S Office (time lapse)

By Tim Priebe | February 24, 2009

This is February 23, 2009, at the T&S office. We thought it would be fun to record the entire day, but condense it down to a little over a minute, so you can see everything in time-lapsed format.

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Workshops, new office, free websites, oh my!

By Tim Priebe | February 4, 2009

When we’re in the website planning stage with a new client and they ask us about a blog, we always tell them to only get one if they can commit to blog at least weekly. Of course, it’s been over a week since we here at T&S have blogged. Shame on us. But we have had some exciting things going on lately.

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Don’t take your own website photos

By Tim Priebe | January 9, 2009

If your business is like many other small businesses, you’re probably on a relatively tight budget, even when creating a website. You’ve signed a contract with a web design company, and they’re wanting your content for the website, including photographs. Money is tight, so you opt to take them yourself. Big mistake. Taking the photographs…

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Should I blog?

By Tim Priebe | January 1, 2009

Happy new year, everyone! Making any new year’s resolutions? Wondering if your business could benefit from a resolution for you to start blogging? Here’s a few questions to ask yourself. Can I write once a week? If you can’t blog at least once a week, don’t bother. One thing worse than no blog at all…

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Website statistics that don’t matter

By Tim Priebe | December 30, 2008

Tracking website statistics is a good thing. After all, how can you determine if your website is successful unless you set a goal for it, then track some statistics to see if you are reaching that goal? With that as a given, so much of the traditional view of the important statistics to track just…

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Color scheming

By Tim Priebe | December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas, all! For those of us who are not officially designers, but still like to create, it can be hard to come up with a color scheme. I had a few websites I liked to use for inspiration back when I wore all the hats here at T&S (scary, I know), and some other…

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Alternatives to Internet Explorer

By Tim Priebe | December 18, 2008

Looks like a nasty security hole has been discovered in Internet Explorer. And this one is big. It’s present in every version of Internet Explorer in use today, from IE5 released in June 98, to the beta of IE8 that’s currently out. This is just another reason to switch away from your pre-installed Internet Explorer…

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Linking to your Facebook profile

By Tim Priebe | December 12, 2008

Although I’ve already written a non-video blog entry on the topic, I thought this topic would be a good one to try out a video blog entry. View and subscribe to our YouTube channel here.

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Should links open in a new window?

By Tim Priebe | December 2, 2008

No. Let me elaborate. Years ago, website were all about controlling the user’s experience. Some sites went so far as to set up their site with a series of “Next Page” buttons instead of actual, usable navigation. Thankfully, the web design industry has come a long way. In more modern times, we have come to…

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Websites that turn a profit – Making Money

By Tim Priebe | November 13, 2008

Finally, we’re going to talk about the best way for a website to turn a profit, and that’s making actual money. There are a many, many ways for a website to make money, and we’ll talk about a few of those. First, you can sell advertising on your website, either directly or through a broker…

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