
Articles written by Tim Priebe

The idiot’s guide to planning your online marketing

By Tim Priebe | January 10, 2017

Just kidding, you’re not an idiot. But this is a very simple guide to planning your online marketing.
Planning doesn’t come easy to everyone. Left to my own devices, I tend to take a ready, fire, aim approach. I have to work hard to actually plan!

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Facebook’s call-to-action button, optimized for mobile

By Tim Priebe | December 7, 2016

Facebook has been rolling out some updates to Pages to make them more mobile-friendly. Their recent update to the call-to-action button means you have more options of where that button sends your prospects. It’s now possible for them to book appointments, buy tickets, start an order, or get a quote.

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LinkedIn’s new admin experience

By Tim Priebe | December 6, 2016

Do you manage a Company Page on LinkedIn? If so, you may have recently seen a pop-up when visiting your Page. It said, “We’ve listened to your feedback and redesigned your Company Page. Access the new admin experience.” What this means…

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Digital marketing books for 2017

By Tim Priebe | November 29, 2016

Let’s face it. Even though it’s very much an online world, there are those who still like to learn by reading a book. I read most of my books on my Kindle app on my iPad (instant gratification, anyone?), but physical books have their place as well.

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Three ways to automate Pinterest posts

By Tim Priebe | November 1, 2016

Pinterest is a great social media platform for a lot of businesses. If what you sell is very visually-oriented, it’s at least worth considering the audience on Pinterest, the level of effort the platform would require from you, and seeing if you should be on it.

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3 steps to build your email list from the ground up

By Tim Priebe | October 11, 2016

If you’re starting an email newsletter, go ahead and pat yourself on the back! That can be one of the best ways to reach people who are likely to do business with you in the future.

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Is an email segment or an email list the right choice?

By Tim Priebe | September 6, 2016

We’re big MailChimp fans at T&S, so we tend to use the same language they use. As they define it in the MailChimp glossary, a list is “a collection of subscribers who have opted-in to receive correspondence from you or your organization.”
A segment, however is a subset of that list. MailChimp defines it as, “a section of your list that includes only those subscribers who share common field information.”

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The real investment for a website

By Tim Priebe | August 16, 2016

There are two main investments for a website: an upfront investment and an ongoing investment. It’s a little like buying a car—sure, there’s the price of the car, but there’s also an investment for gas, insurance, and repairs down the road.
I recently spoke with someone who wanted to purchase a website. She was comparing her options, and it turned out I was the provider she trusted the most out of the people she talked to.

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Being overly promotional can backfire

By Tim Priebe | July 26, 2016

Sometimes you’ll see them on social media—people who just can’t stop talking about their business or product. They’re always pushing their business, products, or services.
It happens a lot. You can probably even think of some time pretty recently that you’ve seen it happen on social media!

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Facebook’s new Pages layout

By Tim Priebe | July 22, 2016

It isn’t out for everyone yet (somewhat ironically, it hasn’t rolled out to my account as of this writing), but Facebook is in the process of rolling out a new layout for Pages for businesses, nonprofits, and anyone that has one set up. Let’s take a look at the differences, then see what the T&S staff thinks.

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