
Articles written by Tim Priebe

What is responsive design?

By Tim Priebe | January 3, 2018

From time to time, we get clients who specifically ask if their website is mobile friendly, or if it uses responsive design. The majority of the time, we simply respond with “yes,” as we’ve been doing responsive design for a while now.

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More drip campaign emails

By Tim Priebe | December 27, 2017

Two months ago, we looked at six types of emails to include in a drip campaign. Then last month, we looked at examples of three of those. This month, we’ll take a closer look at some more of the specific emails you might include in a welcome series of emails.

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Problems getting emails from your website

By Tim Priebe | December 13, 2017

From time to time, I talk to people who have problems getting emails from their website. Their website has some sort of contact form or lead generation form, and they don’t seem to be getting some or any of the emails from it.

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Shared hosting vs. dedicated hosting vs. managed hosting

By Tim Priebe | December 6, 2017

Worried you may not be on the best type of web hosting for you? Website hosting can be a confusing thing for the average person. In fact, a good portion of the people I talk with about websites don’t actually know what hosting is. And even when they do, they often don’t know the difference between various types of hosting.

So what is the difference?

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A closer look at drip campaigns

By Tim Priebe | November 22, 2017

Last month we looked at six types of emails to include in a drip campaign, which is a series of emails that you send at set intervals over a period of time. They’re sometimes also called automated campaigns or lifecycle emails.

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White hat vs. black hat SEO tactics

By Tim Priebe | November 8, 2017

In the early days of search engine optimization, there were lots of companies that used black hat tactics to improve rankings. Unfortunately, there are still some companies using such tactics today as well, although the search engines have gotten smarter and often recognize it.

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Six emails to include in a drip campaign

By Tim Priebe | October 25, 2017

In email marketing, a drip campaign is a series of emails that you send at set intervals over a period of time. They’re sometimes also called automated campaigns or lifecycle emails.

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The diminishing role of keywords in SEO

By Tim Priebe | October 11, 2017

In the olden days of search engine optimization (or SEO), it was all about keyword meta tags and description meta tags. (And yes, I’ve been around long enough to remember the olden days of SEO.) Meta tags played a huge role in your website’s SEO rankings, but their role has diminished so much that they no longer really impact your ranking at all.

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Should you worry about your WordPress website’s speed?

By Tim Priebe | September 13, 2017

The short answer is, yes, you should worry about website speed. Who cares, you might ask? People and Google. But if you want the long answer with some tips to go along with it, keep on reading.

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Watch out for these red flags with SEO services

By Tim Priebe | September 6, 2017

SEO is a popular topic these days, as it should be. Search engine rankings are important for businesses, and you should be actively working to improve your ranking over time.

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