
Articles written by Tim Priebe

Creating an effective home page

By Tim Priebe | April 10, 2019

Sure, sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest can be a lot of fun. But are you neglecting your own website? What about your home page? Whether you like it or not, many people will judge the professionalism of your organization based on the professionalism of your website! While Google and blogging for SEO mean that people may find your website through a number of ways, for many small and medium businesses, the home page continues to be one of the most visited pages on their site!

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How to optimize blog posts for SEO

By Tim Priebe | March 13, 2019

If you have a website, chances are good that where you show up in Google is important to you. And if that’s the case, you may have heard that blogging on a regular basis helps you show up higher and better in search engine results.

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How long does SEO take to start working?

By Tim Priebe | December 12, 2018

So your website doesn’t show up well in Google, and you’ve hired an SEO firm to help fix that. You’re paying them the big bucks, perhaps thousands a month. But you’ve been paying them for several months now and haven’t yet seen any increase in website traffic or business.
Should you be worried?

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A system for LinkedIn Company Page followers and leads

By Tim Priebe | November 14, 2018

If your target market or ideal client includes white collar workers, CEOs, business owners, or those in HR, then you should probably be utilizing LinkedIn. There are a million resources out there for individuals to utilize LinkedIn, but it’s different when it comes to your LinkedIn Company Page.

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Build your business with a Facebook group

By Tim Priebe | September 5, 2018

Have you ever wondered how people can create a group on Facebook, get traction with it, and turn it into revenue for their business? Wonder no longer!

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Five ways we may be able to help you

By Tim Priebe | July 25, 2018

I talk with a lot of people who want to work with our team here at T&S, but they don’t need a full-blown website. While we did start out as a web design company, now we help with all sorts of digital marketing for a variety of budgets.

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How to improve your YouTube channel in 30 minutes

By Tim Priebe | June 20, 2018

Getting ready to be more active on YouTube? Recently started publishing videos on a regular basis? If you’re like many others, your YouTube channel may look a little threadbare. Have no fear! In just 30 minutes or so, you can turn it all around. Here are some tips you can implement quickly.

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Don’t put all your digital eggs in one basket

By Tim Priebe | May 30, 2018

You may get frustrated when Facebook, Google, or any other digital marketing platform makes changes. People frequently ask me about those changes, or they just complain to me about them. It’s very common. The biggest problem people have isn’t the change itself. It’s the frequent changes times the sheer number of platforms out there.

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Pay-what-you-can digital marketing for nonprofits

By Tim Priebe | May 23, 2018

Back in late 2008, I decided I really liked nonprofits. Immediately, I started planning a year of website giveaways. Each month in 2009, we gave away a website to a nonprofit. And we started working with several nonprofits that we continue to work with today, including Diabetes Solutions of Oklahoma, Teen emPower, and The Kids’ Place. Around the same time…

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How keywords in SEO have changed

By Tim Priebe | May 16, 2018

Have you heard of keywords and key phrases as it relates to being found on search engines like Google? Keywords and key phrases are what search engine users enter into sites like Google, that businesses and nonprofits want to show up for. Well, a lot has changed over the years, and they don’t play the same role they used to.

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