
Articles about social media

OOMPHcast #20: Tim Priebe – LinkedIn for organizations and personal use

By Tim Priebe | December 17, 2014

For episode 20, I was the guest, talking about LinkedIn. I shared the difference between a personal presence and organization presence, then I shared tips for both your personal presence, and your LinkedIn business page.

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24 LinkedIn background images

By Holly Kosec | December 16, 2014

In June 2014, LinkedIn introduced background images on the profiles of their Premium members. Since then, they have decided to open up this feature to all members. Because LinkedIn is meant for your online professional presence, it’s important to make sure that your profile looks as good as possible.

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Online marketing book and consultation giveaway

By Tim Priebe | November 4, 2014

When talking to people about utilizing blogs and social media for their business or nonprofit, I frequently hear, “I know I should be doing it, but have no clue what I’d write about.” If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone!

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Online photo sharing platforms

By Tim Priebe | October 28, 2014

It can be difficult to determine where you should display your photos online. A good first step is to review the different options that are out there. While this is certainly not a complete list, here are some of the more popular places to display and share your photos online.

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OOMPHcast #16: Casey Cornett – Social media comparison

By Tim Priebe | October 22, 2014

For episode sixteen, my guest was Casey Cornett, social media director at VI Marketing and Branding. Casey shared why Facebook is the best social media platform for targeted paid advertising, which three social networks should be given priority, and how LinkedIn should be viewed differently than other social networks.

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Determining the best online photo sharing location

By Tim Priebe | October 21, 2014

Many organizations have a need to display photos online. It may be for products, services, events, staff, their location, or something else entirely. In years past, it was fairly obvious where those photos went: On their website. But now that social media is an option, including some websites that revolve around photo sharing, the water seems a bit muddied. So how do you determine where your photos should go online?

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OOMPHcast #14: Zach Nash – The City of Oklahoma City social media

By Tim Priebe | September 24, 2014

Zach Nash, creative manager for the City of Oklahoma City, was my guest for episode fourteen of the podcast. Zach shared how the City of Oklahoma City got on Twitter, how being prepared ahead of time helps, and the importance of keeping your own copy of your content.

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OOMPHcast #13: Terrell Sanders – How church staff should use Facebook

By Tim Priebe | September 10, 2014

Terrell Sanders, founder and president of Main Street Enterprises, was my guest for our thirteenth episode. Terrell shared why church staff should use their personal accounts on Facebook, how targeting specific audiences on Facebook can be done, and some common concerns churches have about getting on social media.

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7 best practices to build your audience online

By Tim Priebe | September 9, 2014

Social media management can be a challenge. You have to worry about setting up sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn the correct way. You have to share updates on a consistent basis. And you need to build your audience.

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Build your company’s LinkedIn followers, guaranteed

By Tim Priebe | August 5, 2014

For many, it’s a no-brainer to have a presence on LinkedIn. And many organizations go beyond making sure their staff have profiles, but actually create a Company Page as well. But what good does that do if nobody’s following your company? And how do you get followers? Fortunately, you can use a method I’ve tested that has proven to increase LinkedIn followers.

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