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Linking social networks together

By Tim Priebe | May 6, 2014

From time to time, someone will ask me about linking social media websites together to make it less work when they update them. For example, if they update Facebook, they might want to automatically update Twitter with the same information.

I’ve found it quickly gets confusing when someone has LinkedIn connected to Twitter connected to Facebook, or some variation of that idea. To make matters worse, that kind of setup tends to break a lot and causes quite a bit of frustration.

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A walkthrough of Twitter’s latest re-design

By Holly Kosec | April 29, 2014

As you may have found out if you’ve visited your Twitter account in the past few days, Twitter has rolled out the option to use their new and improved profile design. Although there are a variety of new features included with this new profile design, I’m going to be focusing on the design changes.

The new design definitely takes some tips from Facebook, Google+, and YouTube, who all have large header photo areas for your branding.

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OOMPHcast #3: Mike Crandall – How to use LinkedIn proactively

By Tim Priebe | April 23, 2014

My guest for this episode was Mike Crandall, with Sandler Training here in Oklahoma. I’m actually a client of Mike’s, and he’s a client of my company, T&S Web Design, as well. Mike talks about how marketing and sales should play nice together. He also shares some tips for proactively using LinkedIn, and the benefit of blocking out time for social media.

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Consistency online equals trust

By Tim Priebe | April 22, 2014

One of the primary goals when marketing online is to get people to know, like, trust, and value you. Because that’s what it takes for people to do business with you, or so the saying goes. But one of the more challenging aspects of that is the trust factor. How can you get people to trust you online?

The key is consistency.

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Marketing in the right time and place

By Guest Blogger | April 15, 2014

Things are coming together. Your ideal customers are coming to you in droves and business is booming.You’ve worked hard to figure out a marketing strategy that works for your business.

You could sit back and relax – leaving things just the way they are – content with “good.” Or you could sprint towards the finish line and go for “great.”

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OOMPHcast #2: Chris Dodds – Phased approach to online marketing

By Tim Priebe | April 9, 2014

Chris Dodds was my guest for this episode, from FocusFire IT Consulting, Websites Need Words, and T&S Web Design, which is actually my company. Chris shares info about the online marketing he’s done with the multiple companies he’s run and been involved in. Specifically, he shares the phased approach he used when marketing Websites Need Words.

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Are you scaring customers away with stress and confusion?

By Guest Blogger | April 8, 2014

You’ve pegged down an ideal customer. You’ve built a marketing platform that appeals to their emotions. Visitors are staying longer at your website, but sales still aren’t what you want them to be.

What’s wrong? Your potential customers are probably confused and, as the marketing adage goes, “The confused mind buys nothing.”

The next step in working through the marketing exercise of “Who? Why? What? How? When? & Where?” is answering “What?” and “How?”

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Are you giving your customers a reason to care about you?

By Guest Blogger | April 1, 2014

Have you ever been frustrated with how potential customers react to your marketing? Maybe they went to your website, stayed for a few seconds, and then clicked away.

You poured all that time and money into creating something you were proud of… and **thud** it falls flat the second you set it out into the world.

Working through the marketing exercise of “Who? Why? What? How? When? & Where?” you may have stumbled with “Why?” – you may have not given your potential customers a reason to care.

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Who is your ideal customer?

By Guest Blogger | March 25, 2014

It’s easy to feel lost when trying to market a business. You may find yourself stuck on how to pull customers in or how to drive purchases. With the flood of advertisements and other information that people see everyday, you’re probably struggling to stand out.

When you’re writing content for your website, developing social media, or working on marketing in general, there are six important questions to ask that will help you focus and be able to set yourself apart from the crowd — Who? Why? What? When? Where? How?

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OOMPHcast #1: Kyle Golding – Know your market and audience

By Tim Priebe | March 24, 2014

For the inaugural episode of OOMPHcast, I’ve interviewed Kyle Golding with The Golding Group. They’re a strategic planning, positioning, and branding agency with an office in Oklahoma City. They specialize in businesses and nonprofits focused on growth and longevity. Kyle shares some great information from his years of experience, including information specific to nonprofits, and the importance of knowing your market and audience when marketing online.

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