
Articles written by Tim Priebe

Marketing Online In The Right Order – Build Your Platform

By Tim Priebe | February 18, 2014

If you have that nagging feeling of failure when marketing your organization online, you’re not alone. Plenty of other people have felt the same way you have. The key is to move past that by figuring out what you did wrong, and correcting it.

In many cases, I’ve found that people had that feeling of failure because they were doing some key steps out of order. Or maybe they were leaving out some steps entirely.

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Marketing Online In The Right Order – Build Your Plan

By Tim Priebe | February 11, 2014

It’s common for people to experience frustration when marketing their business or nonprofit organization online. Time and time again, I’ve found the frustration stems from doing some key steps in the wrong order, or leaving steps out entirely.

Over the next few blog entries, we’ll take a look at the five steps for avoiding that feeling of failure when marketing online.

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The Whole Point – Value

By Tim Priebe | December 17, 2013

Whether you’re on social networks, working on your email newsletter, or blogging on your website, you should be working on getting others to Know, Like, Trust, and Value you. Value is a key component of that, because people that don’t know what you do or aren’t in the market for what you do won’t do business with you.

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The Whole Point – Trust

By Tim Priebe | December 10, 2013

When marketing online, you want people to Know, Like, Trust, and Value you. One of the more challenging aspects of that is getting people to trust you. So how do you do that? Getting people to Trust you requires that you Show Integrity. Let’s look at a few ways to visibly demonstrate integrity online.

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The Whole Point – Like

By Tim Priebe | November 26, 2013

As we’ve discussed before, the whole point of marketing your organization online is to get people to Know, Like, Trust, and Value you. So what are some ways you can get someone to like your organization?

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The Whole Point – Know

By Tim Priebe | November 19, 2013

What’s the whole point of marketing your business or nonprofit online? Too often, we can get bogged down with new tools, features, and changing capabilities. We lose track of what it’s really all about when we get caught up in the details. Really, the point of marketing online is pretty simple. And if you can keep it in mind, it makes decisions about online marketing a lot easier.

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4 Quick & Easy LinkedIn Company Page Tips

By Tim Priebe | October 27, 2013

You may or may not already be using LinkedIn. But even if you are, if you are with a smaller organization, chances are good that you don’t have a Company Page set up. If you market to professional business people, are in HR, are in sales, or market to other businesses, you need to get going! Here are four tips you can implement fairly quickly.

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4 Quick & Easy Google Plus Page Tips

By Tim Priebe | October 22, 2013

Did you know that a Google Plus Page for your company is great for helping your search engine rankings? And Google Plus is a great fit if any of your target market includes tech-savvy consumers or companies in the tech industry. If you’ve been waiting to set up a Google Plus Page, here are four tips to get you started.

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4 Quick & Easy Email Newsletter Tips

By Tim Priebe | October 8, 2013

Are you sending out an email newsletter on a regular basis? If so, there are probably some things you can do to get more mileage out of your time invested, without too much effort. Let’s take a look at four tips that you can implement quickly and easily.

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How To Be A Lazy Online Marketer

By Tim Priebe | September 24, 2013

If you’re anything like me, you may be subject to the occasional bouts of laziness. The only problem is that to market online effectively requires consistency. Whether it’s blogging, social media, or your email newsletter, you’ve got to demonstrate consistency to get people to know, like, and trust you. How can you do that and still be lazy?

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