
Articles written by Tim Priebe

How to build your Facebook audience

By Tim Priebe | February 10, 2015

Even though Facebook is limiting how much of your audience sees any given message, it’s often still the best choice for an organization to reach their target market. Many online marketers say that Facebook is a must for every organization, although I don’t think I would go that far. The single quickest way to build your audience on Facebook is simple.

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How to get LinkedIn Company Page followers

By Tim Priebe | February 3, 2015

One of the advantages of having your own online audience online is the fact that they’ve essentially asked you to stay in communication with them. But where traditional advertising like print ads let you use their audience, with online marketing you have to build your own audience. Here’s a very specific tactic we’ve seen work on LinkedIn Company Pages.

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OOMPHcast #23: Jimmy Owens – Online video marketing

By Tim Priebe | January 28, 2015

Episode 23’s guest was none other than Jimmy Owens, the owner of DesignTunnel. Jimmy shared a number of tips about online video marketing, including info on both YouTube and Vimeo, and when one makes more sense than the other.

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Should you invest time in LinkedIn?

By Tim Priebe | January 20, 2015

If you’ve ever talked to an expert on a specific online marketing tool, they frequently tell you that you’re not spending enough time with it. But in reality, every tool and every platform isn’t right for everyone. While LinkedIn can be a powerful tool, it’s not the best fit for everybody. Let’s look at how you can tell if you should invest time in the popular social media site.

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OOMPHcast #22: Patrick Allmond – Marketing with a podcast

By Tim Priebe | January 14, 2015

Our guest for episode 22 was Patrick Allmond, the owner of Focus Digital Marketing Agency. Patrick shared all sorts of tips for podcasting, including how to tell if podcasting is a good fit for you, as well as how you can get started.

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6 signs your web designer stinks!

By Tim Priebe | January 6, 2015

Picking a web design company can feel like an overwhelming task. You may have a lot riding on your investment. Without technical and marketing expertise, it can be difficult to know whether you’re making a good choice. Here are six warning signs you may be picking the wrong web designer.

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OOMPHcast #21: Krista Bruce & Gina Yannarell – Media relations meets digital media

By Tim Priebe | December 31, 2014

Episode 21 is a first, with two guests at once! Krista Bruce is a Media Relations Manager, and Gina Yannarell is a Digital Media Strategist. Both Krista and Gina are with Koch Communications. Krista and Gina shared tips for building relationships with reporters on social media, the importance of Twitter in media relations, and how internal brainstorming sessions can be useful.

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How to start using online marketing statistics

By Tim Priebe | December 23, 2014

Online statistics can be overwhelming! Many things can be measured when it comes to your website, Facebook page, email newsletter, or any other number of services. You may have a vague idea of what you need to be looking at, or you may not. You’re not alone! You need to start by setting an online marketing goal that ties directly back to a business need. Then, you can establish relevant benchmarks to measure that show progress toward that goal. So what does that look like?

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OOMPHcast #20: Tim Priebe – LinkedIn for organizations and personal use

By Tim Priebe | December 17, 2014

For episode 20, I was the guest, talking about LinkedIn. I shared the difference between a personal presence and organization presence, then I shared tips for both your personal presence, and your LinkedIn business page.

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MailChimp campaign analytics simplified

By Tim Priebe | December 9, 2014

One of the things we love about MailChimp is how easy their analytics are to understand. That said, sometimes it isn’t obvious how to actually make use of the information. Let’s take a look at a three campaign analytics that are easy to understand, and some ways you can use them.

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