
Articles written by Tim Priebe

Can social media improve your bottom line?

By Tim Priebe | July 5, 2016

I had a conversation recently with a business owner who was skeptical about what social media could add to his bottom line. We’d been discussing his website, but when the topic of social media came up, he suddenly lost interest.

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How to create a great LinkedIn article

By Tim Priebe | June 21, 2016

LinkedIn currently provides two ways for you to share your thoughts on the platform—short status updates and longer, blog-length articles. You’ve probably even seen some of your connections sharing articles from their LinkedIn account. Sharing an article is a great way to increase your reach on LinkedIn and demonstrate your expertise in your field. Not all articles are created equal, though—here are a few tips to make sure yours has a better chance of being read and appreciated…

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Case Study: Baxter Electric Heat & Air

By Tim Priebe | May 31, 2016

Baxter Electric Heat & Air has been serving Edmond and Oklahoma City for decades. When Josh Morphew, CEO, wanted to increase Baxter’s online presence, he wanted to focus on the value-add for their clients, and he didn’t want to be talked down to with jargon.

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Online Marketing Mindshift sample

By Tim Priebe | May 3, 2016

If you’ve ever been frustrated by our online marketing efforts, you may enjoy my fifth book we’ve just released, Online Marketing Mindshift. It is designed to help people—especially people at non-profits or small businesses who are wearing several hats—make the best use of their time and energy when they do online marketing for their organization. While you can find an excerpt…

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Is your SEO strategy risky?

By Tim Priebe | April 26, 2016

I spoke with a local business owner recently who had some questions about SEO (search engine optimization). During our conversation, what she shared revealed a lot of red flags. Knowing what I heard can help you know if you might be running a risk with unethical SEO, often known as black hat SEO.

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Recover your expired domain name

By Tim Priebe | April 12, 2016

If you have a website, you’re almost guaranteed to have a domain name. But if you’re not careful, your domain name can expire and you may even lose it, which results in your website being offline.

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Are you on the wrong type of hosting?

By Tim Priebe | April 5, 2016

Hosting a website used to be really expensive. Shared hosting—multiple websites on one server—helped bring that investment down, but brought with it some security issues. Today, website hosting is either more prone to hacking but really cheap, or secure with a larger financial investment. How can you tell which route is right for you?

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Your church should be on Facebook

By Tim Priebe | March 15, 2016

Facebook is a valuable way to connect people to each other. Used well, it can help a church connect members with each other and with the leadership. Churches are sometimes wary of using Facebook and promoting it among their members, though.

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Tips for businesses on LinkedIn

By Tim Priebe | February 23, 2016

For organizations in the B2B world, as well as some in other areas, LinkedIn can be hugely beneficial. While it doesn’t make sense for every business or nonprofits to invest resources in it, for many it does. Here are some tips for organizations to utilize the platform.

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Business blogging: pros and cons

By Tim Priebe | February 16, 2016

Maybe you’ve considered creating a blog for your organization, but aren’t sure if it’s right for you or not. Sure, it can be helpful, but it’s not a great fit for every business or nonprofit. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons to having a blog.

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