
Articles written by Tim Priebe

Is WordPress SEO friendly?

By Tim Priebe | November 27, 2019

I’ve used WordPress since 2009, and I’ve helped tons of people with SEO during that time. And every once in a while, I hear one of two things: “I hear WordPress is great for SEO.” or “I’ve heard WordPress is terrible for SEO!” So which one is true? As with most things in life, it just depends.

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How to get more online reviews

By Tim Priebe | October 23, 2019

Ever received a negative review online and immediately started panicking? Or maybe you know that online reviews shape where and how you show up in Google results. It’s time to get more strategic about your online reviews!

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What are good email marketing statistics?

By Tim Priebe | October 9, 2019

Overwhelmed by all the moving parts in an email marketing campaign? You have to get subscribers, watch your bounce rates, open rates, click rates (aka click through rates or CTR), and so on. Good reporting and statistics tools are super important! If you didn’t know already, we’re huge Mailchimp fans. And one of the things Mailchimp is really good at is

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Don’t put all your digital marketing eggs in one basket

By Tim Priebe | September 25, 2019

Dealing with all the different digital marketing platforms can be overwhelming. It’s no surprise that so many businesses and nonprofits choose to focus all their marketing efforts on one platform. Focusing is important. When I speak at events, I often tell people to pick the platform that makes the most sense for their organization and focus most of their efforts there. However, you may have noticed that I said, “most of their efforts.” I definitely did not say, “all of their efforts.” That would be suicide!

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You may not need a website

By Tim Priebe | September 11, 2019

Believe it or not, you may not need a website! I know, that sounds like sacrilege coming from someone who has been helping clients with their websites since 2003. Before you pull out the pitchforks and torches, let me explain.

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How to get your website back

By Tim Priebe | August 14, 2019

Maybe your web developer disappeared. Maybe your webmaster is holding your website hostage. Maybe you’re fed up and ready to fire your web designer. Maybe an employee that registered everything has lost all the usernames passwords. You’ve lost control of your website!

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How to maintain a WordPress website

By Tim Priebe | July 10, 2019

We’ve been creating WordPress websites since 1909. Wait, I’m pretty sure my notes are wrong and we actually started in 2009. That seems a lot more likely. We’ve launched hundreds of websites. Some of our clients now manage their own websites, while others have us manage their websites for them. And while we’ve always offered hands on training with our clients and had training videos available as well, we’ve never put together a guide on managing your own WordPress website.

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How to prevent link rot

By Tim Priebe | June 26, 2019

Link rot. Sounds gross, right? Really, it’s just another name for a broken link. But it’s something you need to be aware of if you’re managing a website on an ongoing basis.

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A more professional email address

By Tim Priebe | June 12, 2019

What does your email address say about you? Does using a Gmail or Yahoo email address come across as professional as one using your own domain? Obviously, it’s subjective. But first impressions are important, so you should put thought into your email address rather than just using that Gmail address you’ve had for the past ten years.

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What is the best stock photo site?

By Tim Priebe | April 24, 2019

Nothing will set your website apart quite like high-quality engaging photos. The photos on your website are often what people will notice first when visiting your website. They help set the mood, let your visitors know what to expect, simply add some visual interest to complement your content. But not everyone has the resources, whether that’s time, money, or equipment, to create their own photos. That’s where stock photos can come in handy.

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