Why balance is important to our team

By Leann Priebe on February 14, 2024

By Leann Priebe on February 14, 2024

Balance isn’t just a concept at Backslash Creative; it’s a part of how we live and work daily. It’s understanding that keeping a healthy work-life balance is a continuous journey, and it requires us to be flexible and aware, both as individuals and as a team.

Open communication

A big part of balance in a team is about being there for each other. We discuss it in our weekly meetings, and it’s a regular part of our conversations. Whether we’re in the office or connecting remotely, tools like Slack and Zoom help us keep in touch and support one another.

Regularly scheduled events

Our approach to balance extends beyond the workday. From our half-day Fun Fridays to volunteer days, we find ways to unwind and give back to the community. These aren’t just breaks from work; they’re vital for keeping us grounded and connected. For example, our next team outing to an escape room is about more than just having fun – it’s about stepping away from our desks and sharing experiences that bring us closer.

I’m not that excited about an escape room specifically, but it’s all about the team!

Picky about clients

We also choose our clients carefully. By focusing on relatively low-stress projects and clients that don’t run around like their hair’s on fire, we avoid the typical high-pressure environment. This approach not only keeps our stress levels down but also allows us to deliver our best work.

It’s about having a clear plan, sticking to it, and being there for our clients when they need us.

It pays off!

Our commitment to balance was evident in a website migration project led by Michela last year. Instead of rushing into a potentially high-stress situation, we planned it carefully, providing support and guidance throughout the process. It was a big success, not just for the project but for Michela’s growth as a professional. Now, she’s ready to take on bigger challenges and even has a similar project planned this year involving multiple clients.

Of course, it helps that Michela is a rock star!

At the end of the day, balance is a big part of what makes our team strong. It’s not about choosing between work and personal life; it’s about integrating them in a way that works for everyone. It’s a commitment to ourselves and each other that makes our team not just successful but also happy and healthy.

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