Facebook post ideas for small businesses

By Michela Owen on May 24, 2023

By Michela Owen on May 24, 2023

As a small business owner, it can be challenging to constantly come up with new and engaging Facebook post ideas to keep your audience interested and connected with your brand. Whether you’re struggling to come up with fresh ideas or you simply don’t have the time to create new content every day, we’ve got you covered.

Grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive into some ways to come up with Facebook post ideas!

Categorize and strategize  

Different categories of small businesses require different approaches, so let’s categorize and strategize. There are so many categories of small businesses, but for the sake of a blog, we’ll shorten it to three: food, non-edible physical goods, and services. 

Food businesses

If you own or work at a restaurant, food truck, or traveling hot dog on a stick business needing a boost, it’s time to post some photos! Here are a few ideas:

  1. Showcase your signature dish: Create a short, visually stunning reel of your restaurant’s most popular dish being prepared and plated, complete with a mouth-watering description.
  2. Highlight your ingredients: Create a reel that shows off the fresh, high-quality ingredients you use in your dishes. Highlight local produce or unique ingredients to set your business apart.
  3. Give a behind-the-scenes look: Create a behind-the-scenes reel that shows the hard work and dedication that goes into preparing your dishes. This can help customers connect with your business on a personal level.
  4. Highlight seasonal specials: Create reels that showcase your seasonal specials or limited-time offers. This can create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to visit your business before the special offer ends.
  5. Share customer reviews: Create a reel that features customer reviews of your business, complete with mouth-watering shots of your dishes. This can help build social proof and encourage new customers to try your food.

Physical non-edible goods 

Facebook can be a great way to showcase your non-edible goods as well. Here are some Facebook post ideas that are sure to help you showcase your products and connect with your audience:

  1. Feature your products in action: Post photos or videos that show your products in use or being demonstrated. This is a great way to highlight the unique features of your products and show how they can benefit potential customers.
  2. Highlight customer reviews: Share reviews from happy customers who have used your products, along with photos or videos of the products in use. This can help build trust and social proof.
  3. Give a behind-the-scenes look: Share photos or videos that give a behind-the-scenes look at your production process or the people behind your brand. This can help customers connect with your brand on a personal level.
  4. Share user-generated content: Repost content that your customers have created featuring your products. This can help build a sense of community around your brand and show how your products are being used in the real world.
  5. Create tutorials or how-to videos: Create videos that show customers how to use your products or how to achieve a specific result using your products. This can help customers better understand the benefits of your products and how to get the most out of them.


Social media is a great way to showcase your services and create a loyal following. Here are some Facebook post ideas for service providers:

  1. Share client success stories: Post case studies or testimonials from satisfied clients who have used your services, along with photos or videos of your team in action.
  2. Highlight your expertise: Share news and trends related to your industry or niche, along with insights and expertise from your team members. This can help position your brand as a thought leader and show your customers that you are knowledgeable about your field.
  3. Offer value through educational content: Create educational content such as webinars or how-to videos that provide value to your followers and showcase your services.
  4. Share behind-the-scenes content: Post photos or videos that give a behind-the-scenes look at your team or your production process. This can help customers connect with your brand on a personal level.
  5. Offer exclusive deals: Offer exclusive deals on your services to your Facebook followers to encourage them to take action.

Need help?

Facebook loves consistency and reliability. If you lack the time or expertise for your business or nonprofit to create a consistent content calendar and oversee the continuous posting, we can help! Contact us today for all of your digital marketing needs.

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