How do I get Google reviews for my business?

By Tim Priebe on November 30, 2022

By Tim Priebe on November 30, 2022

People do business with people and organizations they trust. Generally, you build trust over time with consistency. But social proof—especially Google reviews—can help you take a shortcut to quicker trust with potential clients.

What is social proof?

When marketing a business or nonprofit, social proof is where your potential clients see that others have had success doing business with you. “Doing business” can certainly mean they give you money for a product or service. It can also mean they become an advocate for your business, a referral partner, a board member, a donor, or a volunteer.

Social proof helps people take action.

A system to get more Google reviews

One of the most valuable forms of social proof is reviews on Google. Because Google is the most popular search engine out there, reviews on Google help in two ways. First, they’re social proof for people. Second, they can help your business or nonprofit rank higher and better in Google’s results.

However, if you’re like most organizations, you may find it challenging to get reviews on Google. Many companies offer services that claim to get reviews. And those can do a decent job in the retail world.

But what if you’re B2B or offer a high-end product or service? Most of those services won’t work as well for you.

If what you sell is expensive or can be perceived as somewhat complicated, here’s a four-step system for you to get Google reviews for your business.

Step 1 – Initial ask

Start by picking some of your customers or clients you believe would speak highly of your organization. Then, instead of asking them to write a review, write it for them. Then email it to them and ask them if they would be okay with you using it as a testimonial.

I recommend giving them four options:

  1. Approve the testimonial as-is
  2. Edit it as needed
  3. Write their own
  4. Let you know if they’re not willing or able to do any of the previous options

The email could look like this:

Subject: Quick question for you, Clark

Clark, I hope you’re doing well. My team and I have appreciated doing business with you over the years. It’s completely okay to say no to this, but my team put together the following testimonial. If you’re okay with it, we’d love to use it in our marketing.

[Insert testimonial here]

Again, feel free to say “no,” but we can use it as-is, you can edit it if you’d like, or you can even write your own. Or, if you’re not willing or able to let us do any of those, could you do me a huge favor and let me know? I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks for being such a great client over the years, Clark!

Step 2 – Follow-up

There may be some back and forth with your client, or they may not even respond. Schedule some time to send follow-up emails just to check-in. I recommend dropping it if they don’t respond after two emails.

Step 3 – Add it to Google

After that, it’s time to ask them to use it on Google.

Assuming you end up getting a testimonial, be sure to thank them. Next, send it to your marketing team so they can use it on your website or social media.

At this point, you have a review from them, but it’s not on Google yet. The next step is asking them if they mind copying and pasting it into your Google listing. Be sure to include your review link to make it as easy as possible for them to leave a review.

That email could look something like this:

Clark, thanks so much for that testimonial! Would you mind copying and pasting it into our Google listing as a review? Here’s our review link:

If you don’t know your Google review link, Google has a short how-to article on getting Google reviews with instructions.

Step 4 – Rinse and repeat

Don’t do this just once. Make it part of your weekly or monthly schedule.

One note of warning: You don’t want to do a huge batch all at once at the beginning. Space them out over time. If you get a bunch of positive reviews at once, Google flags it as looking suspicious, and they may take some or all of those reviews down.

This system makes it very easy for your clients and customers, and you end up with reviews you can use on your website and social media posts, and they show up on Google.

Need help?

If you’d like help with your presence on Google, social media, or your website in general, we’d be happy to talk! Feel free to reach out to schedule a conversation.


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