Quick Way to Get More LinkedIn Exposure

By Tim Priebe on July 30, 2013

By Tim Priebe on July 30, 2013

Your profile and Company Page on LinkedIn are only useful if people actually look at them. They may discover them on their own while searching, but there are certain steps you can take to share those links as well, therefore getting more exposure for your LinkedIn presence.

Finding The Links

First off, where can you find your links?

The Company Page link isn’t completely obvious. First, search for your company in the top search bar.

Once you find it, click on it, and that will pull up your company’s page.

At the top of your browser, there will be a website address that looks similar to this, which I see when I do this for T&S Web Design:


You’ll see that the end has ?trk=tya. Yours may also have a question mark, followed by some other characters. If you delete the question mark and everything after it, you’ll have the actual link to your Company Page.

So for T&S Web Design on LinkedIn, that link looks like this:


It’s not the prettiest, but just grab that link, and you’ll be good to go.

The profile link is much easier. First, log into LinkedIn. Click on the Profile menu option. Directly underneath your photo, you’ll see the link to your profile.

Your link may have a bunch of numbers at the end. You can actually customize it so it’s much more readable. Just edit your profile, then select the option to Customize your public profile URL. Then you can use something professional and easier to remember.

Personally, I use timjpriebe everywhere, and I like to stay consistent. Since it’s reasonably professional, I use it on LinkedIn as well. My public profile URL is simple:


Incidentally, the “/in/” portion of the URL cannot be customized. And your link will not work if you leave it out.

Sharing Your Company Page

The link to your Company Page can be added to your website. You can either use a LinkedIn icon that goes with your website’s look and feel, or you can use the follow buttons LinkedIn provides. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

You can also include it in your email newsletter, if you have one. You can also include it on other social media pages. Depending on how much of a priority it is for you, you may want to include it as your primary link.

Twitter, for example, only allows one link. You could use that spot to link to your LinkedIn Company Page instead of your website.

Sharing Your Profile

With your profile link, you may also want to add it to your company’s website. Depending on how your website is set up, and your role in the company, the About Us page may talk about you specifically, or about different staff members. You could add your LinkedIn profile link to that bio.

And just like with the Company Page, link your other social media accounts to your LinkedIn profile. If you have a Facebook account, make sure the link to your LinkedIn account is on there. And the same thing applies to Google+ as well.


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