Beyond All-Star on LinkedIn

By Tim Priebe on July 23, 2013

By Tim Priebe on July 23, 2013

Obtaining All-Star status on LinkedIn is great. But it’s really the minimum for a complete profile. By going the extra mile, you’ll come even more on searches on LinkedIn, and will even show up more when people search on websites like Google, and your LinkedIn profile is a result.

So how can you go beyond All-Star status? Simply put, fill in as much information as you can.

Information to Fill Out

Beyond the requirements of All-Star status on LinkedIn, they also make some other sections available for your profile. Here are some of those sections. You should fill out as many of these sections that make sense for you.

You can put any publications you’ve been published in. Personally, I’m a columnist, so I can list the publications my column runs in. I’ve also written some books, and those can be listed here as well. In addition, I can also list any articles that have been written about me.

In honors and awards, you should primarily list honors and awards you individually have received, not necessarily your company. Of course, if you’re the owner, this line can be blurred somewhat.

Organizations you are a part of can be put on your profile as well. In fact, it will actually link them to groups if there is a LinkedIn Group that corresponds to the organization. But you’re not limited to organizations that have a group.

Depending on your industry, it may make sense for you to list out different projects you’ve been involved with. This especially makes sense if you work on high profile projects, or on project that last some time.

Other Sections

There are a few other sections you can optionally fill out. Depending on your industry, it may make sense for you to have this information available.

  • Languages
  • Test Scores
  • Courses
  • Patents
  • Certifications
  • Volunteering & Causes


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