Everyone should be open to new, innovative ideas for their business card design: just because you have one, doesn’t mean it’s working!
I can’t stress the vitality of a memorable design and one that will leave a lasting impression. Your business card is not only an essential business tool, but it can also be used as effective marketing material. People often overlook business cards because it contains your standard contact information, but why not add value to yours? Give your potential clients something worth holding on to.
Here are three ideas to enhance your card (if applicable to your business):
1) Add a list of your services, possibly with prices (you have the option of making a tri-fold card)
2) Make yours a punch card so clients have incentive to return
3) Use your business card as a promotional tool that markets your service rather than just contact information
Still asking yourself if you’re in need for a business card make-over?
See if your card contains any of the following…
- The color red (always stands out on a card)
- A picture (connects faces with names)
- Vertical composition
- Colored Background
- Colorful image that stands out
- Quality paper
- Double-sided
- Rounded corners
With at least one of these features, your card is guaranteed to stand out!
If you’re new to the business world and wary of committing to a website, start small with a business card and build your business identity from there. I promise, it’s an entrepreneur’s best friend!